I have a few important things to discuss.
I am obsessed with both the opening and ending songs for Toradora. They are unbelievably good and probably my favorite songs ever. I don't even know what to do haha I want to find them and download them but being the paranoid person I am that is all but impossible.
I loved Ga-Rei Zero 3 but I'm sad because I've finally accepted Touru and Natsuki's deaths as fact... though I rewatched the first episode like for the 2983473 time and saw that when Aoi was killed or whatever the person who was trying to get Touru to shoot her because she wasn't the same anymore was Yomi... So that's a little mind-blowing. And I think he had Natsuki in his arms? I don't quite know, it's all so complicated. In conclusion: I will not forgive any of the characters in the show who were even the slightest bit instrumental in the deaths of Touru and Natsuki, no matter how much it wasn't their fault or they repent or they didn't know. Whatever, lame, you're assholes, go away.
So, bitter, much?
I'm annoyed because I can't find Kuroshitsuji subs anywhere. It's been weeks and I really want to see hot Sebastian soooo yeah. Another thing that I can't deal with right now.
I pushed myself through Casshern Sins 1. That was a struggle but I think if I skip the repetitive fighting it could be a halfway decent show. I don't know, I'm just going to roll with it. I'm trying to watch Shikabane Hime 3 but if I can't get through it then I'll bet Casshern can replace it easily.
Also, latest Mouryou no Hako was alright, I want to see the really cute guy come in soon, the one from the op with the light hair. He's a fox.
Talking about foxes, Edgar from Hakushaku to Yosei is awesomely hot in the ed. Actually, all the guys are, like this show is so not acceptable for children. It's got all these naked guys barely covered then shows Edgar and Lydia naked in bed together. Like whoa. Way awesome. Way way way awesome. Can't wait for ep 3 XD
Trying to read Ga-Rei is not succeeding for me. I think it's because with the latest episode showing the past of Kagura I can't see her as the person in the manga. That is just so out of her character from what the anime is showing. Truthfully I like the anime a lot better. It's probably because there's no random and stupid fanservice, and it's a serious show with slight humor that is more subtle than in your face. I don't really like Kensuke either. Or the artwork, it reminds me of School Rumble for some reason. And that bothers me.
So far these are the worthwhile shows I'm watching this season:
Ga-Rei -Zero-
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae
Mouryou no Hako
Hakushaku to Yosei

Okay, I'm sorry, but this stupid Shikabane Hime chick is totally useless. Completely. Like can she honestly not kill anything in one attack? aka a little kid? She gets pretty much destroyed every single time and I don't think I'll even be able to finish the second episode here. That makes me really sad because seriously this could be such a great show. It could be awesome, and it's a genre and everything that I usually drool over, and yet, it sucks. She's infuriating, this show is infuriating, that stupid kid is obnoxious and every time i see the older brother with his stupid glasses I think of Ovan. Ugh.
I'm going to try and finish this episode, maybe it'll be okay. I hate giving up on something after only 2 unless I really know that it's stupid.
I marathoned Kure-nai last night. That show is fucking awesome! There's really nothing I have to say about it other than it was just a solid epic win. Shinkurou looked like a dark haired Firo and I found out that it's the same animation team as Baccano! So that's why he's such a hot main character. Except for certain times when his nose (and many of the other characters) was way too pointy. Awkward. Anyways, it was great, and I'm glad that they had very little of the only character I disliked in that show, Ginko. Ugh, shut up childhood friend, no one wants to hear you be tsuntsun and shit. Deal with it, Yuuno's better and cooler than you. Haha, so yeah I just loved it XD
Okay, hold on back to Shikabane. DUDE MAIN KID IS SUCH AN IDIOT! He's like fucking helping this creepy little girl who came back from the dead, when he found her in a room where what's her name Aka or whatever (?) was bleeding hxc and yeah just takes her to some convenience store where he buys her food? fucking useless. Okay, now it's just sad, haha I went from infuriated to sad in like 2 minutes. Those poor things wanting to play? And they're in a park at night in the rain by themselves??? Hm, yeah and now after he's thrown against a jungle gym and the kids have super sketch eyes he's all like, hm what are you? JEEZ IDK MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED THAT WHEN THE CHICK WAS FIGHTING IT IN THE HOSPITAL? OR BETTER YET WHEN IT CAME BACK TO LIFE WOW THNX.
And still, Hime is totally, completely, fucking useless.
And this is a useless show. I am dropping it. I hate it.
Moving on to Yozakura Quartet...
That new yellow dress chick is an annoying bitch. Seriously, shut up, isn't it obvious your beloved brethren trust and respect Akina? Why don't you just stop causing trouble and destroying crap and listen to him and stay in your place. Like, why does she honestly think she can say shit about anyone when she just FUCKING ENDANGERED THEIR ENTIRE GODDAMN CITY?
Yep, she's a stupid annoying bitch. I like everyone in this show sans her so far. She assumes all humans are bad because she's dealt with a few assholes, that's just fucking obnoxious and I get so sick of people that think like that. She's a stereotyping whorebag. She gets pissed because Akina kills demons that go crazy and wacko and try and hurt people and destroy shit but if humans go wacko she goes apeshit. Useless. Please leave now.
...Well, it looks like I'll probably be dropping quite a few shows this season.
I'm going to try and finish this episode, maybe it'll be okay. I hate giving up on something after only 2 unless I really know that it's stupid.
I marathoned Kure-nai last night. That show is fucking awesome! There's really nothing I have to say about it other than it was just a solid epic win. Shinkurou looked like a dark haired Firo and I found out that it's the same animation team as Baccano! So that's why he's such a hot main character. Except for certain times when his nose (and many of the other characters) was way too pointy. Awkward. Anyways, it was great, and I'm glad that they had very little of the only character I disliked in that show, Ginko. Ugh, shut up childhood friend, no one wants to hear you be tsuntsun and shit. Deal with it, Yuuno's better and cooler than you. Haha, so yeah I just loved it XD
Okay, hold on back to Shikabane. DUDE MAIN KID IS SUCH AN IDIOT! He's like fucking helping this creepy little girl who came back from the dead, when he found her in a room where what's her name Aka or whatever (?) was bleeding hxc and yeah just takes her to some convenience store where he buys her food? fucking useless. Okay, now it's just sad, haha I went from infuriated to sad in like 2 minutes. Those poor things wanting to play? And they're in a park at night in the rain by themselves??? Hm, yeah and now after he's thrown against a jungle gym and the kids have super sketch eyes he's all like, hm what are you? JEEZ IDK MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED THAT WHEN THE CHICK WAS FIGHTING IT IN THE HOSPITAL? OR BETTER YET WHEN IT CAME BACK TO LIFE WOW THNX.
And still, Hime is totally, completely, fucking useless.
And this is a useless show. I am dropping it. I hate it.
Moving on to Yozakura Quartet...
That new yellow dress chick is an annoying bitch. Seriously, shut up, isn't it obvious your beloved brethren trust and respect Akina? Why don't you just stop causing trouble and destroying crap and listen to him and stay in your place. Like, why does she honestly think she can say shit about anyone when she just FUCKING ENDANGERED THEIR ENTIRE GODDAMN CITY?
Yep, she's a stupid annoying bitch. I like everyone in this show sans her so far. She assumes all humans are bad because she's dealt with a few assholes, that's just fucking obnoxious and I get so sick of people that think like that. She's a stereotyping whorebag. She gets pissed because Akina kills demons that go crazy and wacko and try and hurt people and destroy shit but if humans go wacko she goes apeshit. Useless. Please leave now.
...Well, it looks like I'll probably be dropping quite a few shows this season.
I just finished Nabari no Ou. I haven't cried this hard since, I don't know. That was awful. I knew Yoite was going to die, especially from reading the manga, but I thought maybe, just maybe, they would make the anime different because it's already not followed the story quite right. And, you know, I should have known that Shimatarou was that one girl, she has the same eyes as Kouichi and she has the same hair, it's pretty obvious I guess. Shit, that was tragic, why couldn't Yukimi go and see Yoite? Shit when he asked for lemonade I just could not handle it. That was a good series, a wonderful series, but such a sad sad series as well. I can't believe it, honestly.
On an also depressing note Ga Rei Zero 2 does not bring back Tooru and Atsuki, it instead introduces characters that will end up in the manga, so this is a prequel. I don't like it FUCKING BRING BACK TOORU YOU ASSHOLES!! I don't think he's dead. He CANNOT be dead. Him and Atsuki WILL survive somehow. I mean, come onnnnnn horrible. And they never said they died (even though we did see them getting brutally slaughtered) they only said they hadn't heard from them since the whole purification in the drain pipe. And when Kagura and ferret guy go down there it's the same hole, and ferret guy goes the way that team 4 or whatever went. He doesn't respond to anything she says, doesn't come when she's getting attacked by Yoma, and doesn't show up yet when she defeats Yoma supposedly then gets attacked again by her on the surface. Soooo... ferret guy must've encountered the bodies of that group and something MUST have happened. Otherwise, what's up with his sudden disappearance? Their bodies weren't recovered so TOORU IS STILL GOING TO BE ALIVEEEE. I do not want to lose Tojou no thank you. I mean, seriously NOOO. sflksdjflskdjf. So, we'll see how this goes from now on.
Chaos;Head was pretty good, it was funny. I enjoyed how fucking weird Takuma was. I have nothing else really to say about this, my mind is still totally full of Ga Rei.
Only a few more chapters left in Koukou Debut. It's gotten really good right now, there's not so much Haruna idiocy as there is fleshing out the side characters. I'd be interested to see how the Mami and Asaoka relationship develops though I still don't quite know all that's gone on with him. He's so confusing. I'm sad this series is coming to a close but I'm also glad. Then there aren't devastating things happening to Yoh and Haruna, which is really what I care about haha
Erm, nothing else exciting :/ I'll go back to rewatching Ga Rei Zero 1 so I can drool over Toujou again (Tooru + Doujou = Toujou duh)
On an also depressing note Ga Rei Zero 2 does not bring back Tooru and Atsuki, it instead introduces characters that will end up in the manga, so this is a prequel. I don't like it FUCKING BRING BACK TOORU YOU ASSHOLES!! I don't think he's dead. He CANNOT be dead. Him and Atsuki WILL survive somehow. I mean, come onnnnnn horrible. And they never said they died (even though we did see them getting brutally slaughtered) they only said they hadn't heard from them since the whole purification in the drain pipe. And when Kagura and ferret guy go down there it's the same hole, and ferret guy goes the way that team 4 or whatever went. He doesn't respond to anything she says, doesn't come when she's getting attacked by Yoma, and doesn't show up yet when she defeats Yoma supposedly then gets attacked again by her on the surface. Soooo... ferret guy must've encountered the bodies of that group and something MUST have happened. Otherwise, what's up with his sudden disappearance? Their bodies weren't recovered so TOORU IS STILL GOING TO BE ALIVEEEE. I do not want to lose Tojou no thank you. I mean, seriously NOOO. sflksdjflskdjf. So, we'll see how this goes from now on.
Chaos;Head was pretty good, it was funny. I enjoyed how fucking weird Takuma was. I have nothing else really to say about this, my mind is still totally full of Ga Rei.
Only a few more chapters left in Koukou Debut. It's gotten really good right now, there's not so much Haruna idiocy as there is fleshing out the side characters. I'd be interested to see how the Mami and Asaoka relationship develops though I still don't quite know all that's gone on with him. He's so confusing. I'm sad this series is coming to a close but I'm also glad. Then there aren't devastating things happening to Yoh and Haruna, which is really what I care about haha
Erm, nothing else exciting :/ I'll go back to rewatching Ga Rei Zero 1 so I can drool over Toujou again (Tooru + Doujou = Toujou duh)
Watched the second episodes of Kannagi and Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka. I actually really really like both of these series. Kannagi was especially adorable, and there's deeper drama within woo! Unfortunately it's only 13 episodes? Tragic.
By the way, talking about tragic, I finished ゴーストハント and while it was totally awesome it was also horrible finding out what happens after or what all the details are. Namely about Noll and Gene, I mean, what the hell, you make Mai fall in love with his dead twin???? TRAGIC. I hate it. I love all the characters in that show, but finding out about that is just unbelievably sad. Completely. I want a second season where we find that out, but then over time her and Naru/Noll fall in love. Please? Thanks.
Anyways, back into the fall animes. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka was, well predictable but not. They're obviously making the sister competition between Yuuhi and Junichi which I'm not exactly sure if I like... no not at all. I want those two to end up together. In fact, let's just not have any other drama with the other girls and make sure they end up together in the end. As a usual game adaptation it's only 13 episodes, so they can't make Junichi too much of a pimp hopefully. But even if they do I really don't mind cause he's super cute and as long as he's not surrounded by all the ugly chicks, aka Karen with the crazy weird hair. ugh.
FINALLY found a sub of Hakushaku to Yosei, that show is so dumb that I love it. It's full of so much shojoey goodness. Though I am way annoyed by Lydia's hair ugh. Oh well, I'll watch it. It's great.
I don't like Skip Beat. No. It's cool that she's all powerful and crap but the oldish animation is hard for me to swallow, especially when it makes the canon-ish guy she's going to be with super ugly, hard for me to relate haha.
And I don't really like Yozakura Quartet... it's just a little too out there I think. And some of the characters really bother me. Well, I'll probably try episode 2 anyways just in case. It's hard to get an idea of something just from the first episode.
I'm downloading Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo as I'm typing this. So exciting! I've wanted to watch it forever, seriously, and now that I'm understanding this download/computer crap more I've finally able to work it out. Aka, veoh finally decided it's cool enough to let me download it's player on my mac... That would have been useful for the last 2 episodes of Code Geass.. :/
Erm, nothing else really exciting. I'm going for sushi in a bit. On Mondays and Tuesdays my favorite Japanese restaurant has sushi half off, it's wonderful. I can get a roll for $3 or less!
wow, another random entry...
Mouryou no Hako is getting subbed soon thank god! I really want to watch it, namely because it's CLAMP's character designs, which I think I already said, but can't say it enough. And talking about their character designs I was finally able to get screencaps of the beautiful artwork they did for the ending of Code Geass R2! My favorite one is Suzaku closely followed by Cornelia/Euphemia and C.C. looks pretty good too. There's just something about their style I cannot get over, it's so beautiful. And it helps that Suzaku looks pretty similar to Syaoran XD
Because I have no decent places to get manga by me other than Borders and B&N I was really surprised when Borders has increased their awesomeness tenfold. Apart from the fact that I've always been impressed because they carry Blood Alone, now they have like a shitload of yaoi/yuri titles. Not that I'm into that (at all, ugh no thank you) but I still think it's awesome that they carry them. They actually do have a very decent selection, and hopefully they'll have Nabari no Ou when that comes in soon... I wish I could get money off with the rewards card like you do for B&N because of the better selection but yeah, doesn't happen.
I've decided my next manga investment MUST be cardcaptor sakura, the first part. I have Master of the Clow, which is basically just the development of Sakura and Syaoran's relationship, hence why I needed those haha but I really would like the first ones because I haven't read them yet. It'll essentially be all new!
Oh.Kay. I forgot, I bought Beauty Pop 9 the other day, it. is. wonderful. Apart from the fact that we had the resolution of the accidental kiss between Naru-Naru and Kiri (XD) we also get to see THE BEST MOMENT EVER SO FAR WONDERFUL AMAZING CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! When Narumi holds Kiri when she's alone and afraid at night. ohmygod can you get any more awesome? We all know that she's going to end up with him so Ochi just go away please? Thanks.
Anyways, that's enough ranting and raving, mostly raving. It's time to watch Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo!!!
By the way, talking about tragic, I finished ゴーストハント and while it was totally awesome it was also horrible finding out what happens after or what all the details are. Namely about Noll and Gene, I mean, what the hell, you make Mai fall in love with his dead twin???? TRAGIC. I hate it. I love all the characters in that show, but finding out about that is just unbelievably sad. Completely. I want a second season where we find that out, but then over time her and Naru/Noll fall in love. Please? Thanks.
Anyways, back into the fall animes. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka was, well predictable but not. They're obviously making the sister competition between Yuuhi and Junichi which I'm not exactly sure if I like... no not at all. I want those two to end up together. In fact, let's just not have any other drama with the other girls and make sure they end up together in the end. As a usual game adaptation it's only 13 episodes, so they can't make Junichi too much of a pimp hopefully. But even if they do I really don't mind cause he's super cute and as long as he's not surrounded by all the ugly chicks, aka Karen with the crazy weird hair. ugh.
FINALLY found a sub of Hakushaku to Yosei, that show is so dumb that I love it. It's full of so much shojoey goodness. Though I am way annoyed by Lydia's hair ugh. Oh well, I'll watch it. It's great.
I don't like Skip Beat. No. It's cool that she's all powerful and crap but the oldish animation is hard for me to swallow, especially when it makes the canon-ish guy she's going to be with super ugly, hard for me to relate haha.
And I don't really like Yozakura Quartet... it's just a little too out there I think. And some of the characters really bother me. Well, I'll probably try episode 2 anyways just in case. It's hard to get an idea of something just from the first episode.
I'm downloading Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo as I'm typing this. So exciting! I've wanted to watch it forever, seriously, and now that I'm understanding this download/computer crap more I've finally able to work it out. Aka, veoh finally decided it's cool enough to let me download it's player on my mac... That would have been useful for the last 2 episodes of Code Geass.. :/
Erm, nothing else really exciting. I'm going for sushi in a bit. On Mondays and Tuesdays my favorite Japanese restaurant has sushi half off, it's wonderful. I can get a roll for $3 or less!
wow, another random entry...
Mouryou no Hako is getting subbed soon thank god! I really want to watch it, namely because it's CLAMP's character designs, which I think I already said, but can't say it enough. And talking about their character designs I was finally able to get screencaps of the beautiful artwork they did for the ending of Code Geass R2! My favorite one is Suzaku closely followed by Cornelia/Euphemia and C.C. looks pretty good too. There's just something about their style I cannot get over, it's so beautiful. And it helps that Suzaku looks pretty similar to Syaoran XD
Because I have no decent places to get manga by me other than Borders and B&N I was really surprised when Borders has increased their awesomeness tenfold. Apart from the fact that I've always been impressed because they carry Blood Alone, now they have like a shitload of yaoi/yuri titles. Not that I'm into that (at all, ugh no thank you) but I still think it's awesome that they carry them. They actually do have a very decent selection, and hopefully they'll have Nabari no Ou when that comes in soon... I wish I could get money off with the rewards card like you do for B&N because of the better selection but yeah, doesn't happen.
I've decided my next manga investment MUST be cardcaptor sakura, the first part. I have Master of the Clow, which is basically just the development of Sakura and Syaoran's relationship, hence why I needed those haha but I really would like the first ones because I haven't read them yet. It'll essentially be all new!
Oh.Kay. I forgot, I bought Beauty Pop 9 the other day, it. is. wonderful. Apart from the fact that we had the resolution of the accidental kiss between Naru-Naru and Kiri (XD) we also get to see THE BEST MOMENT EVER SO FAR WONDERFUL AMAZING CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! When Narumi holds Kiri when she's alone and afraid at night. ohmygod can you get any more awesome? We all know that she's going to end up with him so Ochi just go away please? Thanks.
Anyways, that's enough ranting and raving, mostly raving. It's time to watch Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo!!!
Well, the subtitles are out therefore I am finally able to watch and comment on the first of the season. I'm starting with a lot of shows this time, but we'll see how many actually last.
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka- this is an adaptation of an eroge, but that's okay because the main guy is super cute. And it's really kind of weird too, like I have no clue what's going on in the beginning and then when he has that internal issue about whether to kiss Yuuhi or whatever her name is... um wtf? Oh well, it's better than other stuff, and only 13 episodes!
Clannad -After Story- just because everyone else is, though i really didn't get all caught up in the Clannad craze a year ago, nor did I ever fully watch last season. I just read very detailed summaries on people's blogs... and yeah I think that was good enough. I'll probably not even bother with this, I'm bored already and I think only one eroge/dating sim/harem adaptation is all I can handle.
Ga-Rei -Zero- oh. my. god. that is all I can say. This show is AWESOME. I was seriously on the edge of my seat the entire time just taking in the pure awesomeness of this show. DUDE SHE FOUGHT THE EVIL THINGS WITH HER BIKE! IN MID AIR! THAT HAD RELIGIOUS WRITING ON IT TO KILL THEM!!! wow, honestly, they're all just so badass. And if it couldn't get any better the ending was mind-blowing! Literally. It's kind of reminiscent of Geass, but whatever, that show is stupid and this one is awesome. Including the awesome fact that i thought Tooru looked, sounded, and acted a lot like Doujou in Toshokan Sensou, then I find out it's the same seiyuu! Bah, one more reason to adore this show. Epic win. epic.
Kannagi- Cute, kind of nice like not intense like a lot of the other shows out this season. It reminds me of Haruhi. And probably Lucky Star if I had been able to get past half of the first episode, which should make sense since someone who worked on those two also does this one? The overly blushing guy whatever his name is is kind of annoying. OMGZ THIGH. Yeah, whatever. But it's cute, I loved how she got the magical girl mixed with miko papers or whatnot. sooo adorable!
Kuroshitsuji- This confuses me, but in a good way. It's definitely an introductory episode just to get you into the groove of the characters and basic plot but
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA TSUBASA YOU HAVE BLOWN MY MIND IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE. AND THIS IS NOT A GA-REI TYPE THIS IS A STANDARD CLAMP MINDFUCK. sooooo Watanuki is Syaoran? He took his place as Kinomoto Sakura and Li Syaoran's son, therefore when they say that Watanuki's parents died that means THAT CCS SAKURA AND SYAORAN ARE DEAD EXCUSE ME WTFFFFF?????FLKSJFLSDKJFLS; shit. After all they always said that Watanuki cooks like his father, that's how he learned it and we all know that Li Syaoran was an awesome cook. Fuck. This is overwhelming.
yeah so i think i like kuroshitsuji.
And honestly, the rest I'm not too excited about. Skip Beat, Shikabane Hime: Aka, Yozakura Quartet, and Toradora. I'm planning on watching Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae as soon as I can find some subs, and also Hakushaku to Yosei probably. And Chaos;Head. And probably Mouyou no Hako because of the CLAMP character designs. If you even slightly mention CLAMP I'm in.
So, now that I have successfully been overwhelmed by another chapter of TRC it's time to go to work. yippeeeee
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka- this is an adaptation of an eroge, but that's okay because the main guy is super cute. And it's really kind of weird too, like I have no clue what's going on in the beginning and then when he has that internal issue about whether to kiss Yuuhi or whatever her name is... um wtf? Oh well, it's better than other stuff, and only 13 episodes!
Clannad -After Story- just because everyone else is, though i really didn't get all caught up in the Clannad craze a year ago, nor did I ever fully watch last season. I just read very detailed summaries on people's blogs... and yeah I think that was good enough. I'll probably not even bother with this, I'm bored already and I think only one eroge/dating sim/harem adaptation is all I can handle.
Ga-Rei -Zero- oh. my. god. that is all I can say. This show is AWESOME. I was seriously on the edge of my seat the entire time just taking in the pure awesomeness of this show. DUDE SHE FOUGHT THE EVIL THINGS WITH HER BIKE! IN MID AIR! THAT HAD RELIGIOUS WRITING ON IT TO KILL THEM!!! wow, honestly, they're all just so badass. And if it couldn't get any better the ending was mind-blowing! Literally. It's kind of reminiscent of Geass, but whatever, that show is stupid and this one is awesome. Including the awesome fact that i thought Tooru looked, sounded, and acted a lot like Doujou in Toshokan Sensou, then I find out it's the same seiyuu! Bah, one more reason to adore this show. Epic win. epic.
Kannagi- Cute, kind of nice like not intense like a lot of the other shows out this season. It reminds me of Haruhi. And probably Lucky Star if I had been able to get past half of the first episode, which should make sense since someone who worked on those two also does this one? The overly blushing guy whatever his name is is kind of annoying. OMGZ THIGH. Yeah, whatever. But it's cute, I loved how she got the magical girl mixed with miko papers or whatnot. sooo adorable!
Kuroshitsuji- This confuses me, but in a good way. It's definitely an introductory episode just to get you into the groove of the characters and basic plot but
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA TSUBASA YOU HAVE BLOWN MY MIND IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE. AND THIS IS NOT A GA-REI TYPE THIS IS A STANDARD CLAMP MINDFUCK. sooooo Watanuki is Syaoran? He took his place as Kinomoto Sakura and Li Syaoran's son, therefore when they say that Watanuki's parents died that means THAT CCS SAKURA AND SYAORAN ARE DEAD EXCUSE ME WTFFFFF?????FLKSJFLSDKJFLS; shit. After all they always said that Watanuki cooks like his father, that's how he learned it and we all know that Li Syaoran was an awesome cook. Fuck. This is overwhelming.
yeah so i think i like kuroshitsuji.
And honestly, the rest I'm not too excited about. Skip Beat, Shikabane Hime: Aka, Yozakura Quartet, and Toradora. I'm planning on watching Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae as soon as I can find some subs, and also Hakushaku to Yosei probably. And Chaos;Head. And probably Mouyou no Hako because of the CLAMP character designs. If you even slightly mention CLAMP I'm in.
So, now that I have successfully been overwhelmed by another chapter of TRC it's time to go to work. yippeeeee
I'm rereading Twilight, almost done with it. I'm at the part where the Cullens and Bella are playing baseball and James, Victoria, and Laurent come inquisitively into the field. DORAMAAA. After this I will reread New Moon and Eclipse, and by reread I mean skip the stupid parts with stupid Jacob and just read the good parts with Edward. IF YOU HAVE EDWARD WHY DO YOU NEED JACOB, BELLA? fucking idiot.
Waiting for Nabari no Ou 15 to come out subtitled is killing me. Like, I already know what happens and all, I read pretty far into the future, but I still love this series so much it boggles my mind. Also, I'm bored with Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC, and that makes me sad. Tsubasa is great and all but lately it's been so slow, maybe that's with CLAMP taking such a long break, idk, but I really was hoping for either a few more color pages or a longer chapitre with their return... whatever.
I watched half an episode of The OC and a full episode of Dresden Files today. It was great. It was such a blast from the past, along with me skipping class this morning. I'm such a failure, it's awesome.
Waiting for Nabari no Ou 15 to come out subtitled is killing me. Like, I already know what happens and all, I read pretty far into the future, but I still love this series so much it boggles my mind. Also, I'm bored with Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC, and that makes me sad. Tsubasa is great and all but lately it's been so slow, maybe that's with CLAMP taking such a long break, idk, but I really was hoping for either a few more color pages or a longer chapitre with their return... whatever.
I watched half an episode of The OC and a full episode of Dresden Files today. It was great. It was such a blast from the past, along with me skipping class this morning. I'm such a failure, it's awesome.
i hate uv cherry. it's sick. it's disgusting. it tastes like rancid cough syrup. so why would i buy a bottle off my friend when they no longer wanted it? i needed something and 1/3 of a bottle of bacardi razz isn't enough.
i need to stop talking about that.
i'm watching harry potter and the goblet of fire and pretending that cedric diggory is actually edward cullen. it's working quite well though i think that edward is much more attractive than cedric. it's probably because this movie is a few years old so even though technically they're supposed to be the same age the guy who plays them looks older therefore more my age. actually, edward is only 17 in appearance which for him is a totally great age to be. omg he's on the screen right now he's so fucking hot and his hair makes me want to cry it's so cute.
edward cullen
...bite me
anyways, i hope that bella stays with him FOREVER in breaking dawn. i hate jacob and i'll be pissed ttm if she decides to go with him. wtf he's a fucking jerk and HE'S NOT EDWARD lskdjflasdkjf anyways, i will totally sport my TEAM EDWARD shirt forever and i'm going to wear it when i pick up the book. hopefully i can get some friends to go to the midnight release with me. that would be stellar. anyways, bella needs to turn into a vamp soon so that she doesn't get too old appearance-wise for edward. actually the fact that he looks like that at 17 is totally lucky for him since a lot of 17 year old guys and even girls look hardly mature. my friends may have looked normal back then but when i look at pictures of them like that i definitely chuckle.
i can't handle how much i'm obsessing about the twilight series and edward cullen
i need to stop talking about that.
i'm watching harry potter and the goblet of fire and pretending that cedric diggory is actually edward cullen. it's working quite well though i think that edward is much more attractive than cedric. it's probably because this movie is a few years old so even though technically they're supposed to be the same age the guy who plays them looks older therefore more my age. actually, edward is only 17 in appearance which for him is a totally great age to be. omg he's on the screen right now he's so fucking hot and his hair makes me want to cry it's so cute.
edward cullen
...bite me
anyways, i hope that bella stays with him FOREVER in breaking dawn. i hate jacob and i'll be pissed ttm if she decides to go with him. wtf he's a fucking jerk and HE'S NOT EDWARD lskdjflasdkjf anyways, i will totally sport my TEAM EDWARD shirt forever and i'm going to wear it when i pick up the book. hopefully i can get some friends to go to the midnight release with me. that would be stellar. anyways, bella needs to turn into a vamp soon so that she doesn't get too old appearance-wise for edward. actually the fact that he looks like that at 17 is totally lucky for him since a lot of 17 year old guys and even girls look hardly mature. my friends may have looked normal back then but when i look at pictures of them like that i definitely chuckle.
i can't handle how much i'm obsessing about the twilight series and edward cullen
I've just finished eclipse.
I've pre-ordered breaking dawn and brisingr.
I've found out my friend's mother is dying.
I'm listening to "Time is Running Out" by Muse on repeat right now. This song IS Twilight, there's no doubt about that. It makes me extremely comforted though it's not like i deserve to be comforted or happy. Well, actually I'm not happy, I'm only comfortable. I'm okay with being in turmoil like this. That's hyperbolic actually, it's not turmoil, it's just many many things going on most of which I'm ignoring. I like how I keep going back on what I'm saying, I'm downplaying everything about myself right now.
I'm going to put the lyrics in here because I really would like to bring this somehow into my life even if it's some sort of awkward blog that no one reads and I could honestly care less if anyone does.
i think i'm drowning
i want to break the spell that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
i want to play the game i want the friction
you will be the death of me
yeah you will be the death of me
bury it i won't le you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
i wanted freedom
bound and restricted
i tried to give you up but i'm addicted
now that you know i'm scrapped
sets off elation
you never dream of breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
and bury it i won't let you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
yeah you will suck the life out of me
bury it i won't let you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
I feel a lot better getting that out there.
I've pre-ordered breaking dawn and brisingr.
I've found out my friend's mother is dying.
I'm listening to "Time is Running Out" by Muse on repeat right now. This song IS Twilight, there's no doubt about that. It makes me extremely comforted though it's not like i deserve to be comforted or happy. Well, actually I'm not happy, I'm only comfortable. I'm okay with being in turmoil like this. That's hyperbolic actually, it's not turmoil, it's just many many things going on most of which I'm ignoring. I like how I keep going back on what I'm saying, I'm downplaying everything about myself right now.
I'm going to put the lyrics in here because I really would like to bring this somehow into my life even if it's some sort of awkward blog that no one reads and I could honestly care less if anyone does.
i think i'm drowning
i want to break the spell that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
i want to play the game i want the friction
you will be the death of me
yeah you will be the death of me
bury it i won't le you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
i wanted freedom
bound and restricted
i tried to give you up but i'm addicted
now that you know i'm scrapped
sets off elation
you never dream of breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
and bury it i won't let you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
yeah you will suck the life out of me
bury it i won't let you bury it
i won't let you smother it i won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
I feel a lot better getting that out there.
I love this show, even more so than when it first started. But I feel bad sometimes because lately while watching it I find myself going "you guys just need to make out" more than once per episode while we're having quality Yoite and Miharu bonding time. And I'm honestly not a fan of that whole type of thing, I just am so in love with them and their relationship and just pretty much everything about them that I cannot resist.
So this last episode was ridiculously infuriating, fucking Koga students I wanted to jack them all in the face (though everyone else did that first for me haha). I hate when there are misconceived situations, OMFG WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR STUDENT FRIENDZZ? OHEMGEE THEY HURT US FIRST! LYKE NO WAYZ! Pretty much that's how I felt, but it was a good change since the other Koga used that as an opportunity to attack our favorite kids? I guess, I was kind of confused during that part.
I just accidentally (sort of) read more about Yoite's past, and holy fuck I'm fascinated.
Anyways, everyone's getting attacked, Yukimi's all crazed (something's up with his eyes... that was weird I think) and Raikou and him go off to get the kinjutsu scroll. If that scroll saves Yoite I would be so happy.
On a related note, I can't decide if I want to read the manga and get ahead of the anime... I really want to know what happens next because I love this series so much, but I like being constantly interested in animes. In manga I'll just skip ahead until I find something better, but I have a history of dropping anime where I already read the manga (Vampire Knight, xxxHolic, Shugo Chara, Special A, Spiral... blah blah). I also need to study, I have a test in about 8 hours... fuck my life
I love Nabari no Ou and Yoite and Miharu.
End of story
So this last episode was ridiculously infuriating, fucking Koga students I wanted to jack them all in the face (though everyone else did that first for me haha). I hate when there are misconceived situations, OMFG WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR STUDENT FRIENDZZ? OHEMGEE THEY HURT US FIRST! LYKE NO WAYZ! Pretty much that's how I felt, but it was a good change since the other Koga used that as an opportunity to attack our favorite kids? I guess, I was kind of confused during that part.
I just accidentally (sort of) read more about Yoite's past, and holy fuck I'm fascinated.
Anyways, everyone's getting attacked, Yukimi's all crazed (something's up with his eyes... that was weird I think) and Raikou and him go off to get the kinjutsu scroll. If that scroll saves Yoite I would be so happy.
On a related note, I can't decide if I want to read the manga and get ahead of the anime... I really want to know what happens next because I love this series so much, but I like being constantly interested in animes. In manga I'll just skip ahead until I find something better, but I have a history of dropping anime where I already read the manga (Vampire Knight, xxxHolic, Shugo Chara, Special A, Spiral... blah blah). I also need to study, I have a test in about 8 hours... fuck my life
I love Nabari no Ou and Yoite and Miharu.
End of story
Well, I finally got .hack//G.U.+ volume 2 and .hack/XXXX volume 1 today. They are awesome. Also, watched Nabari no Ou 11, what a great, stereotypical plot twist haha. Yeah, we all knew Raikou was misunderstood, what an Itachi moment. I hate that Nabari no Ou could be related this easily to Naruto, it's disgusting. Poor Gau, there's so much bl in this show sometimes that it makes me want to vomit. But it's all right, as long as we have Yoite and Miharu being devil-like I'm happy. Talking about them, seems like next week we'll be back on track for the Yoite plot development, thank goodness.
What I noticed about vol 2 of .hack//G.U.+ was mainly Haseo's increasing attractiveness. I loved the scene with him and Atoli, and even better the shojo-est looking page from this entire series when Shino told him to look people in the eye.
Finally catching up with Code Geass, I'll really need to finish 9-11 soon... sigh.
What I noticed about vol 2 of .hack//G.U.+ was mainly Haseo's increasing attractiveness. I loved the scene with him and Atoli, and even better the shojo-est looking page from this entire series when Shino told him to look people in the eye.
Finally catching up with Code Geass, I'll really need to finish 9-11 soon... sigh.
I'm just about halfway done with Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. This show is hard for me to take sometimes, some of the episodes are just way too depressing, but it's all so truthful. That's how people really are and things can easily end up as tragic as they're conveyed on this show. I also think this show rocks because of Ichimoku Ren. Rawr ;)
So, apart from that KANARU WAS A ROBOT THING AND THEN DIED IN SHIN'S ARMS WTF??!!?? Persona trinity soul is just way too much for me to handle sometimes. Shin's reaction was so sad, I cried so much. Poor Shin, honestly, losing both the girls he loves, Eiko and Kanaru. He has like no one. My god, this show is so good, but so sad.
I'm having major issues finding episodes of Code Geass online. I'm behind by 3 episodes, though I've decided to just skip 8 and go straight to watching 9 and 10. I like that show, but I don't know, I'm just getting sick of some of the situations sometimes. Though I really loved the whole Nunnally and Suzaku bonding.
Nabari no Ou, ummm is Yoite going to die soon? But think about it, he can't die because if he dies then all of the chi he put out into people will make them die, so Miharu, Raimei, Thobari, and Kouichi will all die. And then we'll have no show haha. I do love Yoite he rocks the house, and the friendship between Miharu and him is also very awesome. So, everyone who doesn't like Yoite can suck it. Bitches.
Shinshi Doumei Cross ended, and it was a super lame ending, that series just kept getting worse as time went on. I'm pissed cause it's not a definite ending, don't tell me Haine's going to actually really fall for going back to Shizumasa and leaving poor awesome Takanari alone. I hope not. Stupid girl.
I read all the chapters of Special A that are out and now I can no longer watch the show because it's so far behind and slow and Hikari is so annoying. Just add that to a list of shows that I'm really no longer following...
Like Soul Eater, I'm bored with that. I might try reading the manga instead. Also, Toshokan Sensou is great but it's also frustrating, i stopped watching halfway through 8 because I was so frustrated with the framing of what's her name. I'm no longer watching D.Gray-man, but that's understandable. I'm actually not even reading the manga anymore, the latest chapters are idiotic. I'm getting extremely disappointed with all this stuff lately.
So essentially the only series I'm following are Nabari no Ou, Persona trinity soul, Code Geass sort of, and I'm busy finishing up Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Sad. I guess work, class, and my social life are really cutting into my Japanese culture experiences haha.
Ichimoku Ren still rocks though
So, apart from that KANARU WAS A ROBOT THING AND THEN DIED IN SHIN'S ARMS WTF??!!?? Persona trinity soul is just way too much for me to handle sometimes. Shin's reaction was so sad, I cried so much. Poor Shin, honestly, losing both the girls he loves, Eiko and Kanaru. He has like no one. My god, this show is so good, but so sad.
I'm having major issues finding episodes of Code Geass online. I'm behind by 3 episodes, though I've decided to just skip 8 and go straight to watching 9 and 10. I like that show, but I don't know, I'm just getting sick of some of the situations sometimes. Though I really loved the whole Nunnally and Suzaku bonding.
Nabari no Ou, ummm is Yoite going to die soon? But think about it, he can't die because if he dies then all of the chi he put out into people will make them die, so Miharu, Raimei, Thobari, and Kouichi will all die. And then we'll have no show haha. I do love Yoite he rocks the house, and the friendship between Miharu and him is also very awesome. So, everyone who doesn't like Yoite can suck it. Bitches.
Shinshi Doumei Cross ended, and it was a super lame ending, that series just kept getting worse as time went on. I'm pissed cause it's not a definite ending, don't tell me Haine's going to actually really fall for going back to Shizumasa and leaving poor awesome Takanari alone. I hope not. Stupid girl.
I read all the chapters of Special A that are out and now I can no longer watch the show because it's so far behind and slow and Hikari is so annoying. Just add that to a list of shows that I'm really no longer following...
Like Soul Eater, I'm bored with that. I might try reading the manga instead. Also, Toshokan Sensou is great but it's also frustrating, i stopped watching halfway through 8 because I was so frustrated with the framing of what's her name. I'm no longer watching D.Gray-man, but that's understandable. I'm actually not even reading the manga anymore, the latest chapters are idiotic. I'm getting extremely disappointed with all this stuff lately.
So essentially the only series I'm following are Nabari no Ou, Persona trinity soul, Code Geass sort of, and I'm busy finishing up Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Sad. I guess work, class, and my social life are really cutting into my Japanese culture experiences haha.
Ichimoku Ren still rocks though
Excellent episode. Definitely. Always knew Yoite was super cool (even if he is really emo too). And this is exactly the kind of development I wanted and predicted, Yoite and Rokujou's characters expanding. I like their new secret alliance, it's cool. Even though Yoite has an ulterior motive for it (Rokujou to erase his existance) it's going to be interesting to see someone actually helping Rokujou to control the Shinrabanshou instead of just trying to get rid of it.
But seriously, holy crap Yoite is emo. But at least his character has more depth and now I have sound proof as to why he's awesome haha. I adore that kid. This is such a great show, honestly, I'm in love with it. I want to read the manga, but the characters look so weird...
New chapter of Kobato is out, Drop 7. They're always so short! But I don't blame them, after all CLAMP is simultaneously working on TRC and XXXHOLiC so they don't have much time for everything else I'm sure. And they're starting a new shoujo series next year at some time. Anyways, heaven? What???? This is so insane, it really makes me wonder who the hell Kobato is anyways, especially with the weird hat thing (how she always has to have a hat on her head). Fujimoto's cool, I'm excited about seeing their relationship develop. Hopefully that'll turn into something instead of her ending up flaking out. Who knows, there's so little we ever know about every single one of their stories, no matter what genre they're writing.
Hm, nothing else really important, still no Special A, xxxHolic Kei, Itazura na Kiss, and Toshokan Sensou. And no D.Gray-man out yet this week? urgh
But seriously, holy crap Yoite is emo. But at least his character has more depth and now I have sound proof as to why he's awesome haha. I adore that kid. This is such a great show, honestly, I'm in love with it. I want to read the manga, but the characters look so weird...
New chapter of Kobato is out, Drop 7. They're always so short! But I don't blame them, after all CLAMP is simultaneously working on TRC and XXXHOLiC so they don't have much time for everything else I'm sure. And they're starting a new shoujo series next year at some time. Anyways, heaven? What???? This is so insane, it really makes me wonder who the hell Kobato is anyways, especially with the weird hat thing (how she always has to have a hat on her head). Fujimoto's cool, I'm excited about seeing their relationship develop. Hopefully that'll turn into something instead of her ending up flaking out. Who knows, there's so little we ever know about every single one of their stories, no matter what genre they're writing.
Hm, nothing else really important, still no Special A, xxxHolic Kei, Itazura na Kiss, and Toshokan Sensou. And no D.Gray-man out yet this week? urgh
It's been a few days, Chapitre 189 has had some time to digest, just in time for 190 to come out and FUCK WITH EVERYTHING WE THOUGHT WE KNEW.
So, it turns out that "Syaoran" has to do with the CCS world (something I kind of actually expected them to do) but having him as Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto's son totally blew my mind out. Especially since HIS NAME ISN'T SYAORAN, ermmm, so every chapter before with R!Syaoran has been a complete lie. With the names that is. Jeeesus, CLAMP, what are we supposed to expect next? haha
Oh, that's right, everything we thought we knew about Sakura of Clow Country was essentially not true....? Fujitaka is really her dad, the king, and her mother, Nadeshiko, was still alive when she was 7? Soooo, Clow Reed wasn't her father, and Fujitaka wasn't C!Syaoran's adopted father, the archaeologist? Also, it seems that in this version (that R!Syaoran remembers), Sakura met R!Syaoran at the ruins during the purification ceremony with her mother, instead of meeting C!Syaoran when he was introduced to her by Fujitaka the archaeologist. Holy hell, WHAT? Does this have something to do with R!Syaoran going back in time and being by R!Sakura's side until the day that he returned? Haha, honestly, this is all so complicated.
So, were R!Syaoran and R!Sakura together in that tube thing the whole time and C!Syaoran and C!Sakura made to take their places? But that would have happened after R!Syaoran was captured, when he found out he went back in time and was with her until then....but he came when he was 7 directly to her side from present day Japan with his CCS parents...
And what the hell was up with how R!Syaoran coming to Yuuko's, the entire thing was EXACTLY the same as when Watanuki came. Well, I guess you could say when Watanuki came it was the same as when R!Syaoran came before him. CLAMP essentially recreated the panels and everything they said. Except that R!Syaoran said his name was Li Syaoran, and Yuuko knew right away that was a fake name, it was the name of his father not him. SO WHAT THE HELL IS R!SYAORAN'S NAME ANYWAYS????
And looking back, there was never really a time when he introduced himself as Syaoran, so I guess he never lied about that to anyone other than Yuuko and R!Sakura when they first met? Did Fei Wong Reed know the truth? He knew he was blood related, but man oh man is this kid like 1000x more powerful than his dad, and even his mom if you think about it, especially since she gave up her sealing staff so I don't know how she'd be able to use the Sakura Cards power. Who knows. She's still a dreamseer anyways. And, not done about the whole name thing. It's cool how when they were in Infinity and C!Sakura says that Mokona says his name is Syaoran as well, and he says no at first. Oooo so interesting. I always thought that was kind of weird.
Speaking of weird, isn't it odd that he would fall in love with someone who looks just like his mother? That's quite the complex there. They're pretty much the same. I mean, I get the whole "Syaoran and Sakura are destined to be together no matter what world they're in" but it's still creepyish haha. Oh well, they're my favorite couple, and I guess that means that there's no Syaoran in Clow Country. But, his name isn't Syaoran, is that ok? Does his name have to be Syaoran? Everyone who's been the same soul but different in the worlds has had the same name (I think) so isn't a kid not named Syaoran coming into Clow Country and getting with Sakura going against the natural order? Or maybe it's okay because he said his name was Syaoran at one point... The clones are okay together I guess because the clone's name is Syaoran, that was his given name, since he's a clone and didn't have one originally. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking too deeply into things. There's so much to think about and overanalyze in their works. Definitely.
So, that was 2 weeks worth of Tsubasa confusion, brought to you by CLAMP, thank you so much, I really do love all these stories. Sigh, even if they're confusing, they're probably the most interesting and thought-provoking out of anything I've ever come across before. There's way more twists than anything, even if they use a lot of the same stuff it doesn't get old or tacky haha. I guess clones are pretty big in a lot of works these days (Spiral, Kamichama Karin, Black Cat, Kaze no Stigma)
Whatever, CLAMP does everything the best, I feel. Other than Code Geass, there's no other work that I've had such contradicting emotions for all the characters, even if they're bad. There's always extraneous circumstances, which makes sense because that happens in real life too.
Well, I guess I can also talk about Code Geass from Sunday, since they're CLAMP's character designs, and CLAMP is what this post is all about.
That episode was INTENSE. I had to pause it and walk away probably 3 times. The biggest moment was when Nunnally was all like, Oh, but I want to do this, Zero you're wrong, Suzaku come save me! That was a HUGE blow. Haha, Lelouch was tweaking out. I just feel bad for Nunnally, when she finds out that Lelouch/Zero did everything for her. What a horrible thing to find out, even if that means he loves you all that much, it also means that it's because of you that so many people died, and became enemies, and suffered, and friendships and love was broken. So, good job Lulu, she's going to have to deal with that one for the rest of her life, on top of her mom being assassinated while holding her...
I should really put some pictures into these. But I'm just so busy freaking out during the posting I don't really think about much else. Sigh, another week until more TRC.
(And could xxxHolic Kei 6, Nabari no Ou 6, Special A 6, the Baccano! and Darker than Black OVAs, and Persona trinity soul 17-19 please get subtitled sometime soon? kthnx)
So, it turns out that "Syaoran" has to do with the CCS world (something I kind of actually expected them to do) but having him as Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto's son totally blew my mind out. Especially since HIS NAME ISN'T SYAORAN, ermmm, so every chapter before with R!Syaoran has been a complete lie. With the names that is. Jeeesus, CLAMP, what are we supposed to expect next? haha
Oh, that's right, everything we thought we knew about Sakura of Clow Country was essentially not true....? Fujitaka is really her dad, the king, and her mother, Nadeshiko, was still alive when she was 7? Soooo, Clow Reed wasn't her father, and Fujitaka wasn't C!Syaoran's adopted father, the archaeologist? Also, it seems that in this version (that R!Syaoran remembers), Sakura met R!Syaoran at the ruins during the purification ceremony with her mother, instead of meeting C!Syaoran when he was introduced to her by Fujitaka the archaeologist. Holy hell, WHAT? Does this have something to do with R!Syaoran going back in time and being by R!Sakura's side until the day that he returned? Haha, honestly, this is all so complicated.
So, were R!Syaoran and R!Sakura together in that tube thing the whole time and C!Syaoran and C!Sakura made to take their places? But that would have happened after R!Syaoran was captured, when he found out he went back in time and was with her until then....but he came when he was 7 directly to her side from present day Japan with his CCS parents...
And what the hell was up with how R!Syaoran coming to Yuuko's, the entire thing was EXACTLY the same as when Watanuki came. Well, I guess you could say when Watanuki came it was the same as when R!Syaoran came before him. CLAMP essentially recreated the panels and everything they said. Except that R!Syaoran said his name was Li Syaoran, and Yuuko knew right away that was a fake name, it was the name of his father not him. SO WHAT THE HELL IS R!SYAORAN'S NAME ANYWAYS????
And looking back, there was never really a time when he introduced himself as Syaoran, so I guess he never lied about that to anyone other than Yuuko and R!Sakura when they first met? Did Fei Wong Reed know the truth? He knew he was blood related, but man oh man is this kid like 1000x more powerful than his dad, and even his mom if you think about it, especially since she gave up her sealing staff so I don't know how she'd be able to use the Sakura Cards power. Who knows. She's still a dreamseer anyways. And, not done about the whole name thing. It's cool how when they were in Infinity and C!Sakura says that Mokona says his name is Syaoran as well, and he says no at first. Oooo so interesting. I always thought that was kind of weird.
Speaking of weird, isn't it odd that he would fall in love with someone who looks just like his mother? That's quite the complex there. They're pretty much the same. I mean, I get the whole "Syaoran and Sakura are destined to be together no matter what world they're in" but it's still creepyish haha. Oh well, they're my favorite couple, and I guess that means that there's no Syaoran in Clow Country. But, his name isn't Syaoran, is that ok? Does his name have to be Syaoran? Everyone who's been the same soul but different in the worlds has had the same name (I think) so isn't a kid not named Syaoran coming into Clow Country and getting with Sakura going against the natural order? Or maybe it's okay because he said his name was Syaoran at one point... The clones are okay together I guess because the clone's name is Syaoran, that was his given name, since he's a clone and didn't have one originally. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking too deeply into things. There's so much to think about and overanalyze in their works. Definitely.
So, that was 2 weeks worth of Tsubasa confusion, brought to you by CLAMP, thank you so much, I really do love all these stories. Sigh, even if they're confusing, they're probably the most interesting and thought-provoking out of anything I've ever come across before. There's way more twists than anything, even if they use a lot of the same stuff it doesn't get old or tacky haha. I guess clones are pretty big in a lot of works these days (Spiral, Kamichama Karin, Black Cat, Kaze no Stigma)
Whatever, CLAMP does everything the best, I feel. Other than Code Geass, there's no other work that I've had such contradicting emotions for all the characters, even if they're bad. There's always extraneous circumstances, which makes sense because that happens in real life too.
Well, I guess I can also talk about Code Geass from Sunday, since they're CLAMP's character designs, and CLAMP is what this post is all about.
That episode was INTENSE. I had to pause it and walk away probably 3 times. The biggest moment was when Nunnally was all like, Oh, but I want to do this, Zero you're wrong, Suzaku come save me! That was a HUGE blow. Haha, Lelouch was tweaking out. I just feel bad for Nunnally, when she finds out that Lelouch/Zero did everything for her. What a horrible thing to find out, even if that means he loves you all that much, it also means that it's because of you that so many people died, and became enemies, and suffered, and friendships and love was broken. So, good job Lulu, she's going to have to deal with that one for the rest of her life, on top of her mom being assassinated while holding her...
I should really put some pictures into these. But I'm just so busy freaking out during the posting I don't really think about much else. Sigh, another week until more TRC.
(And could xxxHolic Kei 6, Nabari no Ou 6, Special A 6, the Baccano! and Darker than Black OVAs, and Persona trinity soul 17-19 please get subtitled sometime soon? kthnx)
No D.Gray-man 158 yet? Is there not supposed to be one out this week? I am so goddamn disappointed right now. It has been over a day, people know what is going on, and yet I still can hardly look for the TRC chapter without getting bombarded by spoilers. I am dying here, I do not know if I can handle this anymore.
But on a better note I went to see Speed Racer today and it was AWESOME. Easily one of the best movies I have seen this year, and probably will be for a while. (There is not much else exciting coming out I guess, except for Indiana Jones, a new Mummy, a possible X-Files, the next Chronicles of Narnia, and Get Smart)
I'm done. I don't even have the heart to write any more haha
But on a better note I went to see Speed Racer today and it was AWESOME. Easily one of the best movies I have seen this year, and probably will be for a while. (There is not much else exciting coming out I guess, except for Indiana Jones, a new Mummy, a possible X-Files, the next Chronicles of Narnia, and Get Smart)
I'm done. I don't even have the heart to write any more haha
Sigh, still no TRC 189 for me :/
But Shinshi Doumei Cross 46 got done! Finally. I'm sad to see this series ending next month, I really enjoyed it.
I'm also sad because it seems they're kind of rushing the ending, I mean, this chapter was good and all but I could never imagine it ending next chapter without knowing it beforehand.
If Haine dies, I'll be pissed, If Haine chooses Shizumasa, I'll be pissed. If Haine chooses no one and they all live happily ever after as friends, I'll be pissed. So there's only a quarter of a chance that I'll actually like this ending haha. I love Takanari, he's always rocked TTM, even if both the brothers love her equally. Shizumasa has just done so much sketchy stuff in the past and even now in the present (the stone thing, leaving Takanari, allowing him to be a shadow, locking him up, stealing Haine away, almost forcing her to marry him, etc etc) soooo I think Takanari easily deserves her more, and I think their love is the most pure. She loved Shizumasa for what he did that night, but she loved Takanari for the one always being there in the book. He was the original and the one who first allowed her to even think of changing her life.
or whatever.
Still no TRC? alskdf
Darker Than Black is such a quality series. I really really need it to come to dvd over here, I would buy it in a heartbeat regardless of the cost (hopefully it would be in a full package thinger like Fruits Basket is, which I just can't get myself to buy though)
Go Hei!
But Shinshi Doumei Cross 46 got done! Finally. I'm sad to see this series ending next month, I really enjoyed it.
I'm also sad because it seems they're kind of rushing the ending, I mean, this chapter was good and all but I could never imagine it ending next chapter without knowing it beforehand.
If Haine dies, I'll be pissed, If Haine chooses Shizumasa, I'll be pissed. If Haine chooses no one and they all live happily ever after as friends, I'll be pissed. So there's only a quarter of a chance that I'll actually like this ending haha. I love Takanari, he's always rocked TTM, even if both the brothers love her equally. Shizumasa has just done so much sketchy stuff in the past and even now in the present (the stone thing, leaving Takanari, allowing him to be a shadow, locking him up, stealing Haine away, almost forcing her to marry him, etc etc) soooo I think Takanari easily deserves her more, and I think their love is the most pure. She loved Shizumasa for what he did that night, but she loved Takanari for the one always being there in the book. He was the original and the one who first allowed her to even think of changing her life.
or whatever.
Still no TRC? alskdf
Darker Than Black is such a quality series. I really really need it to come to dvd over here, I would buy it in a heartbeat regardless of the cost (hopefully it would be in a full package thinger like Fruits Basket is, which I just can't get myself to buy though)
Go Hei!
So while everyone else is freaking out about TRC 189 and who's who's dad and mom I'm reading Beauty Pop, Lovely Complex, Twinkle Stars and the latest Shinobi Life, and watching Nabari no Ou, Code Geass, Persona Trinity Soul, Toshokan Sensou, xxxHolic Kei, and rewatching Darker Than BLACK.
(note: It's because I don't want to spoil the chapter for myself until I can fully read it all. Which would count if I somehow found a scan, like on livejournal, that someone had separately translated and such, but so far I have found nothing :()
I just finished Beauty Pop this morning. I LOVED it. I had been very apprehensive about this series, it just seemed kind of dumb (I mean, it's really not such an exciting concept and all) but they worked it out very well. I'm glad it's still running, I want to see what happens with Naru-Naru and Ki-chan! Haha, anyways, it was definitely a cool shojo, and something perfect for the mood I'm in.
Lovely Complex was a few days ago. That was pretty stressful (kind of like a Peach Girl thing for me sometimes) but I knew they were going to be together in the end. I'll say that Otani was actually a really cute character design. No, he's not handsome, sorry sir, but he's definitely cute. The Plus section was really cool too, how they had really met at the concert beforehand and were kind to each other making a good impression without even knowing it. Those stories are all really big on previous meetings.
I'm in the midst of Twinkle Stars, and it's a pretty good story. The characters are all very much like Furuba, which is to be expected. There's a Tohru, Kyo, Hana-chan, and Shigure/Kazuma. Though the Shigure-ishness is a lot nicer in Kanade. Chihiro is a little too tsuntsun to be a Yuki, he's much more like Kyo, but Yuuri is also like Kyo. I like them both :/. I hate love triangles, they're too sad (if I like the 3 characters that is...) It's interesting, and there's going to be some sort of plot twist/secrets that will arise from these seemingly normal people, just like Fruits Basket, soooooo idk, I'm excited.
Shinobi Life was lame, I expect way more out of that series, however the sexual tension in the rock in the leg scene was pretty great. Kagetora's teeth on her leg, oooOOOoo smexy haha. I guess I wanted them to kiss, like I do in every chapter. Her end feeling of, well this is ok to be like this with him, not lovers but just friends, is something that reminds me of Haruna thinking about Yoh in Koukou Debut. We all know how long that lasted... about 10 minutes tops. So, I just hope that Kagetora will just be NO! MINE, BITCH! to stupid Razuhiko. I hate that kid, and that other ninja dude, and Beni's dad. Goddamn just let those two be together!
People say that Nabari no Ou is BL, I say I really don't care. Even if it is it's mild at best, and there's crazy action and I like the character designs. Come to think of it Thobari-sensei, Rokujou, and Yoite all remind me of Kagetora, which is probably why I'm attracted to them... hm. I don't like the head of Fuuma all that much, he's so untrustworthy in my mind. And, seriously, can Rokujou be any weaker and less observant of his surroundings?? Yoite knocks out Kouichi and Raimei right behind him, they THUMP to the ground, his freaking cat HISSES and he's all like, hm what's going on? I'm just doing my math. JEEEEEESUS KID he's gonna die. Well, obviously not because this is made up, but in real life, he'd be dead. Truthfully the part I'm most excited for in this series is the character development of Yoite and partly Rokujou. I want to find out who his brother is. (oh, but no BL between them please)
Code Geass was just, a lot. It seemed like a filler but we got a lot of information, including the first real interaction with some of the Knights of the Round. And Nunally's alright, as if we'd expect anything else. Suzaku is absolutely insane, I love what he's willing to do to get power, redeem himself, and save Japan, it's just like Lelouch is willing to do anything and everything for Nunally. Eh, not much else.
Persona Trinity Soul was one big mindfuck. It doesn't help that they're so far behind on the subbing that they've only reached 16 a few days ago. Either way, this is going to be a great subbed episode. I've got the gist of it, but I'm very excited to figure out all that they were saying. Haha I really freaked out when I saw Eiko in the spoilers for the next episode, but it turns out that it was just something weird red dress girl (Chidori?) I love how many Persona 3 people they're throwing into this show, it's great.
I love Doujou. He's great. Kasahara, he's awesome, you know that now so remember it. This is easily one of my favorite shows of this season, I just wish it was longer than 12 episodes.
The fact that we just entered into the Kohane-chan arc of xxxholic makes me really happy. It's funny because that pretty much ended in the manga. I love her character and even though it was slow in the manga the anime is already doing a good job with it I feel. xxxHolic was never a fast-paced storyline (that's more left to it's sibling, TRC) but it's interesting and makes you think. It's obviously extremely complicated and thought out since it's a CLAMP work. I just feel that this season is so much better than the last, I dropped that one after 10 episodes... I hope there's TRC references though, the lack of them last season was disappointing, mainly because the series are both so intricately linked.
And yes, I am rewatching Darker Than Black, my favorite show. Thank you BONES, your work is beautiful (with Soul Eater, too).
Truthfully, I should be spending my time watching Soul Eater 5, Persona Trinity Soul 16 (with subtitles!!), The Hills (27 episodes! shitty) and Grey's Anatomy, but, it's hard to do that when I'm bored with them. Soul Eater needs more Death the Kid. In fact, there should be a show all about him, I would watch that.
Lastly, I picked up D.Gray-man 9 today. Excellent cover, excellent section of the story, so I'm excited to read that (again obviously). And Koukou (Highschool) Debut 3 supposedly came out on Tuesday, and Borders supposedly had it in their store on the shelves. Thanks for the letdown jerks, I even made a special trip :(
(note: It's because I don't want to spoil the chapter for myself until I can fully read it all. Which would count if I somehow found a scan, like on livejournal, that someone had separately translated and such, but so far I have found nothing :()
I just finished Beauty Pop this morning. I LOVED it. I had been very apprehensive about this series, it just seemed kind of dumb (I mean, it's really not such an exciting concept and all) but they worked it out very well. I'm glad it's still running, I want to see what happens with Naru-Naru and Ki-chan! Haha, anyways, it was definitely a cool shojo, and something perfect for the mood I'm in.
Lovely Complex was a few days ago. That was pretty stressful (kind of like a Peach Girl thing for me sometimes) but I knew they were going to be together in the end. I'll say that Otani was actually a really cute character design. No, he's not handsome, sorry sir, but he's definitely cute. The Plus section was really cool too, how they had really met at the concert beforehand and were kind to each other making a good impression without even knowing it. Those stories are all really big on previous meetings.
I'm in the midst of Twinkle Stars, and it's a pretty good story. The characters are all very much like Furuba, which is to be expected. There's a Tohru, Kyo, Hana-chan, and Shigure/Kazuma. Though the Shigure-ishness is a lot nicer in Kanade. Chihiro is a little too tsuntsun to be a Yuki, he's much more like Kyo, but Yuuri is also like Kyo. I like them both :/. I hate love triangles, they're too sad (if I like the 3 characters that is...) It's interesting, and there's going to be some sort of plot twist/secrets that will arise from these seemingly normal people, just like Fruits Basket, soooooo idk, I'm excited.
Shinobi Life was lame, I expect way more out of that series, however the sexual tension in the rock in the leg scene was pretty great. Kagetora's teeth on her leg, oooOOOoo smexy haha. I guess I wanted them to kiss, like I do in every chapter. Her end feeling of, well this is ok to be like this with him, not lovers but just friends, is something that reminds me of Haruna thinking about Yoh in Koukou Debut. We all know how long that lasted... about 10 minutes tops. So, I just hope that Kagetora will just be NO! MINE, BITCH! to stupid Razuhiko. I hate that kid, and that other ninja dude, and Beni's dad. Goddamn just let those two be together!
People say that Nabari no Ou is BL, I say I really don't care. Even if it is it's mild at best, and there's crazy action and I like the character designs. Come to think of it Thobari-sensei, Rokujou, and Yoite all remind me of Kagetora, which is probably why I'm attracted to them... hm. I don't like the head of Fuuma all that much, he's so untrustworthy in my mind. And, seriously, can Rokujou be any weaker and less observant of his surroundings?? Yoite knocks out Kouichi and Raimei right behind him, they THUMP to the ground, his freaking cat HISSES and he's all like, hm what's going on? I'm just doing my math. JEEEEEESUS KID he's gonna die. Well, obviously not because this is made up, but in real life, he'd be dead. Truthfully the part I'm most excited for in this series is the character development of Yoite and partly Rokujou. I want to find out who his brother is. (oh, but no BL between them please)
Code Geass was just, a lot. It seemed like a filler but we got a lot of information, including the first real interaction with some of the Knights of the Round. And Nunally's alright, as if we'd expect anything else. Suzaku is absolutely insane, I love what he's willing to do to get power, redeem himself, and save Japan, it's just like Lelouch is willing to do anything and everything for Nunally. Eh, not much else.
Persona Trinity Soul was one big mindfuck. It doesn't help that they're so far behind on the subbing that they've only reached 16 a few days ago. Either way, this is going to be a great subbed episode. I've got the gist of it, but I'm very excited to figure out all that they were saying. Haha I really freaked out when I saw Eiko in the spoilers for the next episode, but it turns out that it was just something weird red dress girl (Chidori?) I love how many Persona 3 people they're throwing into this show, it's great.
I love Doujou. He's great. Kasahara, he's awesome, you know that now so remember it. This is easily one of my favorite shows of this season, I just wish it was longer than 12 episodes.
The fact that we just entered into the Kohane-chan arc of xxxholic makes me really happy. It's funny because that pretty much ended in the manga. I love her character and even though it was slow in the manga the anime is already doing a good job with it I feel. xxxHolic was never a fast-paced storyline (that's more left to it's sibling, TRC) but it's interesting and makes you think. It's obviously extremely complicated and thought out since it's a CLAMP work. I just feel that this season is so much better than the last, I dropped that one after 10 episodes... I hope there's TRC references though, the lack of them last season was disappointing, mainly because the series are both so intricately linked.
And yes, I am rewatching Darker Than Black, my favorite show. Thank you BONES, your work is beautiful (with Soul Eater, too).
Truthfully, I should be spending my time watching Soul Eater 5, Persona Trinity Soul 16 (with subtitles!!), The Hills (27 episodes! shitty) and Grey's Anatomy, but, it's hard to do that when I'm bored with them. Soul Eater needs more Death the Kid. In fact, there should be a show all about him, I would watch that.
Lastly, I picked up D.Gray-man 9 today. Excellent cover, excellent section of the story, so I'm excited to read that (again obviously). And Koukou (Highschool) Debut 3 supposedly came out on Tuesday, and Borders supposedly had it in their store on the shelves. Thanks for the letdown jerks, I even made a special trip :(
alright, so in the time since my last post I've:
-watched the 3 episodes of Toshokan Sensou that are out
-watched episode 4 of Nabari no Ou, Vampire Knight, Soul Eater, and Special A
-finished Beast Master
-seen the scanlations and summaries of Shugo Chara chapter 28!!!!
-read xxxHolic chapter 157
-and started reading Bloody Monday
Ok, now that I've got that out there and organized I can talk about each in turn.
Toshokan Sensou
I've been meaning to watch this ever since the first episode came out, unfortunately subtitles took 3 weeks =(. But it's definitely worth the wait. This show is so fast paced! I'd love to read the manga and the novels as well, but I can't find them anywhere, well actually I really haven't looked that hard. It's a pretty interesting plot, though I'm confused I guess in the first place as to why they're doing all this and how long it took to get to this point? Anyways, I like that the main character is a girl, she's awesome. And I really really like Doujou haha. I'm thinking that mysterious letter handed to the captain guy at the end of ep.3 was saying that someone died and/or was seriously injured. My bet is on Tezuka.
Nabari no Ou
Holy shit, I love this anime. So much. (I tried reading the manga too by the way, but the characters seem so much younger so I kind of felt like a shotacon haha. And Yoite isn't as awesome, though he's a lot more destructive, he cut that one guy in half at Fuma village!!!) Anyways, this just keeps getting better and better. Haha, I really don't know what else to say about it, except that I can't wait for next week!
Special A
The brother situation reminds me of Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna, and to an extent Sasuke and Itachi (not that I am a devoted Naruto fan, I just like Sasuke, and I'll make this clear, I haven't watched any of the anime, and only read about 40 of the latest chapters) soooo I was bored by this episode I guess, cause you knew what was going to happen. Still though, I love Kei and his voice, BRITANNIA! I AM ZERO AND I WILL LIBERATE THE JAPANESE PEOPLE! or something like that. Maybe as a joke...
I kind of skipped through Soul Eater, because I had read about half of it in the manga, and I could pretty much tell where it was going. Wasn't too hard (deja vu?) Anyways, I watched the part at the end with Shinigami-sama and Death the Kid talking haha. Love him.
Also skipped through every part of Vampire Knight without Zero, just like normal. They went in a different direction I felt. I'm pretty sure Zero wasn't going to leave and I'm pretty sure that Kaname didn't know that Zero sucked her blood? Unless I'm just forgetting; it has been a while and that was one of the first couple of chapters. Anyways, there were a lot of really great Zero shirtless scenes XD
Beast Master
Awwwwww, Yuiko and Leo finally kissed XD!!! I love their relationship, and for only being 6 chapters (but at about 49 pages each) I feel pretty connected to the characters and in love with the story. That was a good one, definitely a favorite. I was mildly worried for a moment though, mildly.
I only have one thing to say about this chapter: HOLY SHIT WTF THE TIME SPACE IS FALLING APART SLIDFJLSDFJKSDLFKJSDLFKJSDFLKSDJ. Oh, and: erm, wtf mid June for the next chapter? Come onnnn CLAMP, you'd better not drop the ball with TRC as well. We could also use some more Kobato, just so you know.
Bloody Monday
This was pretty interesting. I always have a thing for hacking in shows (.hack (haha), Ocean's, Italian Job, Bourne) you get the idea. The drawings are kind of weird sometimes, and the main kid is an idiot, buuuuut eh, we'll see how it goes. It's an interesting story line, with holes haha.
And last but not least
Ikuto. You rock, enough said. Amu, why would you choose fruitcake Tadase over the sexy catboy lying in your bed saying you're the girl he wants.... I mean REALLY??!! (haha thanks Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers) So, we'll see. I know and you know that Amuto will happen IT WILL.
Oh, and I stopped by Borders in downtown Milwaukee yesterday while taking pictures and picked up the first decent copy of Blood Alone vol.2 that I've seen (The others have all been ripped or bent) sooo that was a complete success! =) And I also (finally) got Koukou Debut vol.1&2, though I cannot wait for us to FINALLY catch up to Japan. Volume 11 just got released this week, I mean, fuck this I want more YohxHaruna goodness! That manga is getting really good though for sure. Asaoka, wtf are you pulling?
So, excellent.
-watched the 3 episodes of Toshokan Sensou that are out
-watched episode 4 of Nabari no Ou, Vampire Knight, Soul Eater, and Special A
-finished Beast Master
-seen the scanlations and summaries of Shugo Chara chapter 28!!!!
-read xxxHolic chapter 157
-and started reading Bloody Monday
Ok, now that I've got that out there and organized I can talk about each in turn.
Toshokan Sensou
I've been meaning to watch this ever since the first episode came out, unfortunately subtitles took 3 weeks =(. But it's definitely worth the wait. This show is so fast paced! I'd love to read the manga and the novels as well, but I can't find them anywhere, well actually I really haven't looked that hard. It's a pretty interesting plot, though I'm confused I guess in the first place as to why they're doing all this and how long it took to get to this point? Anyways, I like that the main character is a girl, she's awesome. And I really really like Doujou haha. I'm thinking that mysterious letter handed to the captain guy at the end of ep.3 was saying that someone died and/or was seriously injured. My bet is on Tezuka.
Nabari no Ou
Holy shit, I love this anime. So much. (I tried reading the manga too by the way, but the characters seem so much younger so I kind of felt like a shotacon haha. And Yoite isn't as awesome, though he's a lot more destructive, he cut that one guy in half at Fuma village!!!) Anyways, this just keeps getting better and better. Haha, I really don't know what else to say about it, except that I can't wait for next week!
Special A
The brother situation reminds me of Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna, and to an extent Sasuke and Itachi (not that I am a devoted Naruto fan, I just like Sasuke, and I'll make this clear, I haven't watched any of the anime, and only read about 40 of the latest chapters) soooo I was bored by this episode I guess, cause you knew what was going to happen. Still though, I love Kei and his voice, BRITANNIA! I AM ZERO AND I WILL LIBERATE THE JAPANESE PEOPLE! or something like that. Maybe as a joke...
I kind of skipped through Soul Eater, because I had read about half of it in the manga, and I could pretty much tell where it was going. Wasn't too hard (deja vu?) Anyways, I watched the part at the end with Shinigami-sama and Death the Kid talking haha. Love him.
Also skipped through every part of Vampire Knight without Zero, just like normal. They went in a different direction I felt. I'm pretty sure Zero wasn't going to leave and I'm pretty sure that Kaname didn't know that Zero sucked her blood? Unless I'm just forgetting; it has been a while and that was one of the first couple of chapters. Anyways, there were a lot of really great Zero shirtless scenes XD
Beast Master
Awwwwww, Yuiko and Leo finally kissed XD!!! I love their relationship, and for only being 6 chapters (but at about 49 pages each) I feel pretty connected to the characters and in love with the story. That was a good one, definitely a favorite. I was mildly worried for a moment though, mildly.
I only have one thing to say about this chapter: HOLY SHIT WTF THE TIME SPACE IS FALLING APART SLIDFJLSDFJKSDLFKJSDLFKJSDFLKSDJ. Oh, and: erm, wtf mid June for the next chapter? Come onnnn CLAMP, you'd better not drop the ball with TRC as well. We could also use some more Kobato, just so you know.
Bloody Monday
This was pretty interesting. I always have a thing for hacking in shows (.hack (haha), Ocean's, Italian Job, Bourne) you get the idea. The drawings are kind of weird sometimes, and the main kid is an idiot, buuuuut eh, we'll see how it goes. It's an interesting story line, with holes haha.
And last but not least
Ikuto. You rock, enough said. Amu, why would you choose fruitcake Tadase over the sexy catboy lying in your bed saying you're the girl he wants.... I mean REALLY??!! (haha thanks Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers) So, we'll see. I know and you know that Amuto will happen IT WILL.
Oh, and I stopped by Borders in downtown Milwaukee yesterday while taking pictures and picked up the first decent copy of Blood Alone vol.2 that I've seen (The others have all been ripped or bent) sooo that was a complete success! =) And I also (finally) got Koukou Debut vol.1&2, though I cannot wait for us to FINALLY catch up to Japan. Volume 11 just got released this week, I mean, fuck this I want more YohxHaruna goodness! That manga is getting really good though for sure. Asaoka, wtf are you pulling?
So, excellent.
There's almost been too much to keep up with lately. I'm currently watching 12 series, maybe that'll even increase, and I'm currently reading way too many mangas. This spring season of anime is absolutely wonderful, I still can't believe how lucky it is. There's just enough of every genre to keep me happy, that's for sure.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 - This is even better than last season, seriously (and I know it's only been 4 episodes so far, but these 4 episodes have been wonderful). It's getting complicated and seems like everyone has a geass haha. I wouldn't be surprised if when Suzaku shows up to school (next episode) he'll have one too. After all, he knows V.V. and went to that secret base thinger that the British Emperor douchebag controls everything from... or whatever.
D.Gray-man - Let me just say this, the only reason I'm watching this show is because I love the manga so much and the characters. Unfortunately, the anime sucks to the max. The pace is ridiculously slow, and there are stupid jokes everyone. In the manga the jokes are great, but seriously, we don't need a whole fucking episode of jokes as to why certain objects scare Allen because they remind him of Cross. Oh well, I"m going to keep watching.
Itazura na Kiss - This show ROCKS! I love it in all it's shojo goodness. Everything is so stereotypical and expected, but I haven't watched a plain old girly romance anime in so long that this is nice. It's also a breath of fresh air and lightness that I don't get with pretty much every other show haha. I think the characters are cute and I really do like the animation. It's like the old animation that I grew up on, but a lot better.
Nabari no Ou - Kind of random, but I like it. It's different, but not really. None of this makes sense. The shota is cute, the other guy with weird powers that we just saw in this last episode is even better. Wow, he is like wow. And he's all evil, maybe and stuff. And is it just me or is Kumohira (the teacher) Rokujo's older brother? I'm confused. More Yoite please. (btw, i just found out that yoite loses life force when he uses kira, ummm fuuuuuck? he only has 2 more months to live? fuuuuckfuckfuckfuck! i love him =()
Neo Angelique Abyss - Ok, I've only been able to get through one episode so far, I don't like Angelique, and I think the plot is dumb... but there are way too many hot guys. I mean, fucking Rayne, enough said. (But wtf's up with that name???) Anyways, I'll slowly make my way through this one, maybe, if the guys stay as hot as him.
Persona -trinity soul- - Started in January, but it's still got a bit left. One of my favorite shows. It's getting ridiculously good lately, freaking Akihiko came!!!! I freaked when I saw that episode. There's not as much ShinxKanaru, but that's ok, I can deal. And in previews it looked like Shin was getting strangled by Eiko????? I thought she was found dead?? And she has a grave? Who knows, this show is probably the one show that blows my mind more than anything else. Definitely.
Shugo Chara - Not gonna lie, the only reason I watch this is because of Ikuto. He is HOT. He is AWESOME. And he's what makes the show basically. Tadase looks gay, maybe Amu is actually a lesbian, that would explain her attraction to that fruitcake. But, wow, Ikuto, get with him NOW please. Anyways, it takes too long for people to subtitle this show, but it's okay because they're far behind the manga, so no big. The manga needs to be translated too... =/
Soul Eater - MORE DEATH THE KID YESSSSSS. He is my favorite. Liz and Patty are awesome too. Though my favorite ship for a couple is easily SoulxMaka, Death the Kid is my favorite character. haha I love his OCD. This show is great, I'm excited for the actual story to start now. I started the manga, but I decided to not read it and watch the anime instead so I'll be excited/surprised. I only do this when the anime is amazing. Thank you BONES, yet another one of my favorites. =)
Special A - I tried reading the manga, but I kept getting put off by Hikari, she just was way too annoying and obviously not getting that Kei cares about her, soooo I was annoyed haha. I like the show, it's a bit faster I think. There's more of him too. He's really cute. (But I laugh every time I hear him talk. I keep expecting him to start proclaiming that this territory is the new United States of Japan lawlz)
Vampire Knight - Erm, it's nice to see Zero animated, and his relationship with Yuki also animated. That's about it. I actually fast forward through scenes that he's not in. I read the manga, I don't really need to know more.
xxxHOLiC Kei - This is so great, it's so much better than the first season. I think the nice thing about this is that it starts just as things are getting interesting in the manga. I didn't like the OP at first but it grew on me, just because it was less seductive I guess. Anyways, I just hope there's actual Tsubasa instances.
My favorite part about all of this is that 3 of these shows have the same seiyuu as the main character XD Fukuyama Jun, nice job. I still can't believe he voices Watanuki. I mean, holy shit, just listen to Lelouch and/or Kei, then listen to Watanuki, sooooo different. Good for him.
Oh yeah, and the sexiest seiyuu is easily Miyano Mamoru (sexy in voice, the most) and he's two of my favorites! Death the Kid and Zero. Awesome. So good.
Well, I'm done for now, that's what I'm watching, everything is awesome (except for D.Gray-man... but let's not go there). I'll update later.
Oh, wait actually, new Perfect Girl Evolution and Moe Kare!! today! They were amazing. I still can't believe how cute that one scene was with Kyouhei and Sunako. He kissed her! It was so unexpected, but her reaction was so expected haha. I want them to work, someday they will. And thank you Hiyoko (wtf is her real name anyways?) for finally realizing that Arata is the besttttt. Fuck Takara, Arata is the way to go =)
The end.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 - This is even better than last season, seriously (and I know it's only been 4 episodes so far, but these 4 episodes have been wonderful). It's getting complicated and seems like everyone has a geass haha. I wouldn't be surprised if when Suzaku shows up to school (next episode) he'll have one too. After all, he knows V.V. and went to that secret base thinger that the British Emperor douchebag controls everything from... or whatever.
D.Gray-man - Let me just say this, the only reason I'm watching this show is because I love the manga so much and the characters. Unfortunately, the anime sucks to the max. The pace is ridiculously slow, and there are stupid jokes everyone. In the manga the jokes are great, but seriously, we don't need a whole fucking episode of jokes as to why certain objects scare Allen because they remind him of Cross. Oh well, I"m going to keep watching.
Itazura na Kiss - This show ROCKS! I love it in all it's shojo goodness. Everything is so stereotypical and expected, but I haven't watched a plain old girly romance anime in so long that this is nice. It's also a breath of fresh air and lightness that I don't get with pretty much every other show haha. I think the characters are cute and I really do like the animation. It's like the old animation that I grew up on, but a lot better.
Nabari no Ou - Kind of random, but I like it. It's different, but not really. None of this makes sense. The shota is cute, the other guy with weird powers that we just saw in this last episode is even better. Wow, he is like wow. And he's all evil, maybe and stuff. And is it just me or is Kumohira (the teacher) Rokujo's older brother? I'm confused. More Yoite please. (btw, i just found out that yoite loses life force when he uses kira, ummm fuuuuuck? he only has 2 more months to live? fuuuuckfuckfuckfuck! i love him =()
Neo Angelique Abyss - Ok, I've only been able to get through one episode so far, I don't like Angelique, and I think the plot is dumb... but there are way too many hot guys. I mean, fucking Rayne, enough said. (But wtf's up with that name???) Anyways, I'll slowly make my way through this one, maybe, if the guys stay as hot as him.
Persona -trinity soul- - Started in January, but it's still got a bit left. One of my favorite shows. It's getting ridiculously good lately, freaking Akihiko came!!!! I freaked when I saw that episode. There's not as much ShinxKanaru, but that's ok, I can deal. And in previews it looked like Shin was getting strangled by Eiko????? I thought she was found dead?? And she has a grave? Who knows, this show is probably the one show that blows my mind more than anything else. Definitely.
Shugo Chara - Not gonna lie, the only reason I watch this is because of Ikuto. He is HOT. He is AWESOME. And he's what makes the show basically. Tadase looks gay, maybe Amu is actually a lesbian, that would explain her attraction to that fruitcake. But, wow, Ikuto, get with him NOW please. Anyways, it takes too long for people to subtitle this show, but it's okay because they're far behind the manga, so no big. The manga needs to be translated too... =/
Soul Eater - MORE DEATH THE KID YESSSSSS. He is my favorite. Liz and Patty are awesome too. Though my favorite ship for a couple is easily SoulxMaka, Death the Kid is my favorite character. haha I love his OCD. This show is great, I'm excited for the actual story to start now. I started the manga, but I decided to not read it and watch the anime instead so I'll be excited/surprised. I only do this when the anime is amazing. Thank you BONES, yet another one of my favorites. =)
Special A - I tried reading the manga, but I kept getting put off by Hikari, she just was way too annoying and obviously not getting that Kei cares about her, soooo I was annoyed haha. I like the show, it's a bit faster I think. There's more of him too. He's really cute. (But I laugh every time I hear him talk. I keep expecting him to start proclaiming that this territory is the new United States of Japan lawlz)
Vampire Knight - Erm, it's nice to see Zero animated, and his relationship with Yuki also animated. That's about it. I actually fast forward through scenes that he's not in. I read the manga, I don't really need to know more.
xxxHOLiC Kei - This is so great, it's so much better than the first season. I think the nice thing about this is that it starts just as things are getting interesting in the manga. I didn't like the OP at first but it grew on me, just because it was less seductive I guess. Anyways, I just hope there's actual Tsubasa instances.
My favorite part about all of this is that 3 of these shows have the same seiyuu as the main character XD Fukuyama Jun, nice job. I still can't believe he voices Watanuki. I mean, holy shit, just listen to Lelouch and/or Kei, then listen to Watanuki, sooooo different. Good for him.
Oh yeah, and the sexiest seiyuu is easily Miyano Mamoru (sexy in voice, the most) and he's two of my favorites! Death the Kid and Zero. Awesome. So good.
Well, I'm done for now, that's what I'm watching, everything is awesome (except for D.Gray-man... but let's not go there). I'll update later.
Oh, wait actually, new Perfect Girl Evolution and Moe Kare!! today! They were amazing. I still can't believe how cute that one scene was with Kyouhei and Sunako. He kissed her! It was so unexpected, but her reaction was so expected haha. I want them to work, someday they will. And thank you Hiyoko (wtf is her real name anyways?) for finally realizing that Arata is the besttttt. Fuck Takara, Arata is the way to go =)
The end.
SHINOBI LIFE Chapter 6 -- REALLY Kagetora!!?
The latest chapter has left me FREAKING OUT.
1. I mean, come on Kagetora. We all know you're a ninja and you follow your word and this is just what has to happen in a shojo manga, but SERIOUSLY it's getting old. You love Beni, you came back to the future with her, you guys kissed, just COME ON. Unfortunately, that's what makes him Kagetora, he's respectful, trustworthy, honorable, and loyal. Soon he'll come to realize that he needs to worry about himself as well, and the feelings of those that love him.
2. OMGZZZ WTF WENG TRAVELLED THROUGH TIME TOO???!!! This is obviously a bad thing since the last time we saw him he was trying to kill Kagetora and steal Beni to put her "back" on the throne. Anyways, now he's just hanging out in the Gangaku household, not such a good thing. No wonder Rihito was aware that Kagetora is literally out of this world. So more and more obstacles to their love, yayyyy.
3. Thanks Kagetora (again) for letting Beni get fondled by creepy fiance boy behind the school. Close save, he was thiiiiiiiiiis close to kissing her. Yikes, we all know to whom Beni-sama's lips belong to *ahem*
But really, the worst part was Kagetora's facial expressions throughout the entire chapter.
Poor guy, how could you even stand there and take it??? Ninjas...
Anyways, hopefully the next chapter is coming out soon, I don't know how quickly this is getting published and whatnot, but I really need my fix of certain boys in black from the past. Rawrrrrrr
Um, Beni, share the love please
eta: By the way, one thing I absolutely LOVE about this manga is the artwork. It's very simple but it conveys such strong emotions. It's probably the main reason I've become so attached to the characters and even the story itself, because when I think about it I think of the characters, the positions they're in, the mood being conveyed. That's different to my other favorite shojo series, Fruits Basket, Shinshi Doumei Cross, Milk Crown, Vampire Knight, and Koukou Debut, where I think about the settings a lot.
I guess it's just because this series is mainly to show character change, but still, it's just something I notice and think about a lot every time I reread the chapters (which is at least once a week). I truly do love the art style.
And, sometimes, I wish spiders would go in my hair....sigh, oh Kagetora
Well, to preface, I don't know everything about manga and anime, but I still decided that I wanted somewhere to write down my thoughts. I am in full awareness that no one will probably ever read this, and that is alright with me. This is a very selfish need of my own to rant, rave, fangirl it up, and speculate about everything I'm interested in. Truth be told, I'm excited.
I've realized lately how completely superficial I am when it comes down to picking out a new manga to read. I'll check to see whether there's an attractive guy in it, if not then the chances of me reading it are less than favorable.
Take Fruits Basket for instance. I've known about it for a long time, but seeing as I don't have any friends who are interested in this stuff it never got a good review in my head. In fact, whenever I saw the manga in stores I thought the covers looked pretty damn lame and pushed the idea of reading it to the back of my head. Until one day while wikipedia-ing it I stumbled across a pictures of Kyo. BAM I was set. Sohma Kyo was the sole reason I decided to read it.
Sigh, so sad.
It's just that Shugo Chara! lately got me thinking about the need for a guy like Kyo in it (not even just the cat features, that is always a plus anyways). I (again) knew about it and even had it on my list of something to read/watch. I wasn't planning on getting around to it soon mainly because of how young the target audience seemed to be, and how shojo-ish it looked. It just didn't look deep enough. But then I saw a picture of Tsukiyomi Ikuto, and even more so than with Kyo I was hooked. He's my newest obsession and the one and only reason I can get myself through Shugo Chara. He's easily the deepest character there which at least validates my attraction to him. He actually reminds me a lot of Hei from Darker Than BLACK, and I guess in the end every single male character I'm completely head over heels for. They're always rather tragic and emo... and many have crazy fighting skills or catlike abilities ^_-
I really honestly don't know how to make anything look cool, including this blog, so I just put up an excellent Ikuto picture. He's really fucking rad.

oh you
I've realized lately how completely superficial I am when it comes down to picking out a new manga to read. I'll check to see whether there's an attractive guy in it, if not then the chances of me reading it are less than favorable.
Take Fruits Basket for instance. I've known about it for a long time, but seeing as I don't have any friends who are interested in this stuff it never got a good review in my head. In fact, whenever I saw the manga in stores I thought the covers looked pretty damn lame and pushed the idea of reading it to the back of my head. Until one day while wikipedia-ing it I stumbled across a pictures of Kyo. BAM I was set. Sohma Kyo was the sole reason I decided to read it.
Sigh, so sad.
It's just that Shugo Chara! lately got me thinking about the need for a guy like Kyo in it (not even just the cat features, that is always a plus anyways). I (again) knew about it and even had it on my list of something to read/watch. I wasn't planning on getting around to it soon mainly because of how young the target audience seemed to be, and how shojo-ish it looked. It just didn't look deep enough. But then I saw a picture of Tsukiyomi Ikuto, and even more so than with Kyo I was hooked. He's my newest obsession and the one and only reason I can get myself through Shugo Chara. He's easily the deepest character there which at least validates my attraction to him. He actually reminds me a lot of Hei from Darker Than BLACK, and I guess in the end every single male character I'm completely head over heels for. They're always rather tragic and emo... and many have crazy fighting skills or catlike abilities ^_-
I really honestly don't know how to make anything look cool, including this blog, so I just put up an excellent Ikuto picture. He's really fucking rad.
oh you
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