Okay, I'm sorry, but this stupid Shikabane Hime chick is totally useless. Completely. Like can she honestly not kill anything in one attack? aka a little kid? She gets pretty much destroyed every single time and I don't think I'll even be able to finish the second episode here. That makes me really sad because seriously this could be such a great show. It could be awesome, and it's a genre and everything that I usually drool over, and yet, it sucks. She's infuriating, this show is infuriating, that stupid kid is obnoxious and every time i see the older brother with his stupid glasses I think of Ovan. Ugh.
I'm going to try and finish this episode, maybe it'll be okay. I hate giving up on something after only 2 unless I really know that it's stupid.
I marathoned Kure-nai last night. That show is fucking awesome! There's really nothing I have to say about it other than it was just a solid epic win. Shinkurou looked like a dark haired Firo and I found out that it's the same animation team as Baccano! So that's why he's such a hot main character. Except for certain times when his nose (and many of the other characters) was way too pointy. Awkward. Anyways, it was great, and I'm glad that they had very little of the only character I disliked in that show, Ginko. Ugh, shut up childhood friend, no one wants to hear you be tsuntsun and shit. Deal with it, Yuuno's better and cooler than you. Haha, so yeah I just loved it XD
Okay, hold on back to Shikabane. DUDE MAIN KID IS SUCH AN IDIOT! He's like fucking helping this creepy little girl who came back from the dead, when he found her in a room where what's her name Aka or whatever (?) was bleeding hxc and yeah just takes her to some convenience store where he buys her food? fucking useless. Okay, now it's just sad, haha I went from infuriated to sad in like 2 minutes. Those poor things wanting to play? And they're in a park at night in the rain by themselves??? Hm, yeah and now after he's thrown against a jungle gym and the kids have super sketch eyes he's all like, hm what are you? JEEZ IDK MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED THAT WHEN THE CHICK WAS FIGHTING IT IN THE HOSPITAL? OR BETTER YET WHEN IT CAME BACK TO LIFE WOW THNX.
And still, Hime is totally, completely, fucking useless.
And this is a useless show. I am dropping it. I hate it.
Moving on to Yozakura Quartet...
That new yellow dress chick is an annoying bitch. Seriously, shut up, isn't it obvious your beloved brethren trust and respect Akina? Why don't you just stop causing trouble and destroying crap and listen to him and stay in your place. Like, why does she honestly think she can say shit about anyone when she just FUCKING ENDANGERED THEIR ENTIRE GODDAMN CITY?
Yep, she's a stupid annoying bitch. I like everyone in this show sans her so far. She assumes all humans are bad because she's dealt with a few assholes, that's just fucking obnoxious and I get so sick of people that think like that. She's a stereotyping whorebag. She gets pissed because Akina kills demons that go crazy and wacko and try and hurt people and destroy shit but if humans go wacko she goes apeshit. Useless. Please leave now.
...Well, it looks like I'll probably be dropping quite a few shows this season.

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