So while everyone else is freaking out about TRC 189 and who's who's dad and mom I'm reading Beauty Pop, Lovely Complex, Twinkle Stars and the latest Shinobi Life, and watching Nabari no Ou, Code Geass, Persona Trinity Soul, Toshokan Sensou, xxxHolic Kei, and rewatching Darker Than BLACK.
(note: It's because I don't want to spoil the chapter for myself until I can fully read it all. Which would count if I somehow found a scan, like on livejournal, that someone had separately translated and such, but so far I have found nothing :()
I just finished Beauty Pop this morning. I LOVED it. I had been very apprehensive about this series, it just seemed kind of dumb (I mean, it's really not such an exciting concept and all) but they worked it out very well. I'm glad it's still running, I want to see what happens with Naru-Naru and Ki-chan! Haha, anyways, it was definitely a cool shojo, and something perfect for the mood I'm in.
Lovely Complex was a few days ago. That was pretty stressful (kind of like a Peach Girl thing for me sometimes) but I knew they were going to be together in the end. I'll say that Otani was actually a really cute character design. No, he's not handsome, sorry sir, but he's definitely cute. The Plus section was really cool too, how they had really met at the concert beforehand and were kind to each other making a good impression without even knowing it. Those stories are all really big on previous meetings.
I'm in the midst of Twinkle Stars, and it's a pretty good story. The characters are all very much like Furuba, which is to be expected. There's a Tohru, Kyo, Hana-chan, and Shigure/Kazuma. Though the Shigure-ishness is a lot nicer in Kanade. Chihiro is a little too tsuntsun to be a Yuki, he's much more like Kyo, but Yuuri is also like Kyo. I like them both :/. I hate love triangles, they're too sad (if I like the 3 characters that is...) It's interesting, and there's going to be some sort of plot twist/secrets that will arise from these seemingly normal people, just like Fruits Basket, soooooo idk, I'm excited.
Shinobi Life was lame, I expect way more out of that series, however the sexual tension in the rock in the leg scene was pretty great. Kagetora's teeth on her leg, oooOOOoo smexy haha. I guess I wanted them to kiss, like I do in every chapter. Her end feeling of, well this is ok to be like this with him, not lovers but just friends, is something that reminds me of Haruna thinking about Yoh in Koukou Debut. We all know how long that lasted... about 10 minutes tops. So, I just hope that Kagetora will just be NO! MINE, BITCH! to stupid Razuhiko. I hate that kid, and that other ninja dude, and Beni's dad. Goddamn just let those two be together!
People say that Nabari no Ou is BL, I say I really don't care. Even if it is it's mild at best, and there's crazy action and I like the character designs. Come to think of it Thobari-sensei, Rokujou, and Yoite all remind me of Kagetora, which is probably why I'm attracted to them... hm. I don't like the head of Fuuma all that much, he's so untrustworthy in my mind. And, seriously, can Rokujou be any weaker and less observant of his surroundings?? Yoite knocks out Kouichi and Raimei right behind him, they THUMP to the ground, his freaking cat HISSES and he's all like, hm what's going on? I'm just doing my math. JEEEEEESUS KID he's gonna die. Well, obviously not because this is made up, but in real life, he'd be dead. Truthfully the part I'm most excited for in this series is the character development of Yoite and partly Rokujou. I want to find out who his brother is. (oh, but no BL between them please)
Code Geass was just, a lot. It seemed like a filler but we got a lot of information, including the first real interaction with some of the Knights of the Round. And Nunally's alright, as if we'd expect anything else. Suzaku is absolutely insane, I love what he's willing to do to get power, redeem himself, and save Japan, it's just like Lelouch is willing to do anything and everything for Nunally. Eh, not much else.
Persona Trinity Soul was one big mindfuck. It doesn't help that they're so far behind on the subbing that they've only reached 16 a few days ago. Either way, this is going to be a great subbed episode. I've got the gist of it, but I'm very excited to figure out all that they were saying. Haha I really freaked out when I saw Eiko in the spoilers for the next episode, but it turns out that it was just something weird red dress girl (Chidori?) I love how many Persona 3 people they're throwing into this show, it's great.
I love Doujou. He's great. Kasahara, he's awesome, you know that now so remember it. This is easily one of my favorite shows of this season, I just wish it was longer than 12 episodes.
The fact that we just entered into the Kohane-chan arc of xxxholic makes me really happy. It's funny because that pretty much ended in the manga. I love her character and even though it was slow in the manga the anime is already doing a good job with it I feel. xxxHolic was never a fast-paced storyline (that's more left to it's sibling, TRC) but it's interesting and makes you think. It's obviously extremely complicated and thought out since it's a CLAMP work. I just feel that this season is so much better than the last, I dropped that one after 10 episodes... I hope there's TRC references though, the lack of them last season was disappointing, mainly because the series are both so intricately linked.
And yes, I am rewatching Darker Than Black, my favorite show. Thank you BONES, your work is beautiful (with Soul Eater, too).
Truthfully, I should be spending my time watching Soul Eater 5, Persona Trinity Soul 16 (with subtitles!!), The Hills (27 episodes! shitty) and Grey's Anatomy, but, it's hard to do that when I'm bored with them. Soul Eater needs more Death the Kid. In fact, there should be a show all about him, I would watch that.
Lastly, I picked up D.Gray-man 9 today. Excellent cover, excellent section of the story, so I'm excited to read that (again obviously). And Koukou (Highschool) Debut 3 supposedly came out on Tuesday, and Borders supposedly had it in their store on the shelves. Thanks for the letdown jerks, I even made a special trip :(

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