There's almost been too much to keep up with lately. I'm currently watching 12 series, maybe that'll even increase, and I'm currently reading way too many mangas. This spring season of anime is absolutely wonderful, I still can't believe how lucky it is. There's just enough of every genre to keep me happy, that's for sure.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 - This is even better than last season, seriously (and I know it's only been 4 episodes so far, but these 4 episodes have been wonderful). It's getting complicated and seems like everyone has a geass haha. I wouldn't be surprised if when Suzaku shows up to school (next episode) he'll have one too. After all, he knows V.V. and went to that secret base thinger that the British Emperor douchebag controls everything from... or whatever.
D.Gray-man - Let me just say this, the only reason I'm watching this show is because I love the manga so much and the characters. Unfortunately, the anime sucks to the max. The pace is ridiculously slow, and there are stupid jokes everyone. In the manga the jokes are great, but seriously, we don't need a whole fucking episode of jokes as to why certain objects scare Allen because they remind him of Cross. Oh well, I"m going to keep watching.
Itazura na Kiss - This show ROCKS! I love it in all it's shojo goodness. Everything is so stereotypical and expected, but I haven't watched a plain old girly romance anime in so long that this is nice. It's also a breath of fresh air and lightness that I don't get with pretty much every other show haha. I think the characters are cute and I really do like the animation. It's like the old animation that I grew up on, but a lot better.
Nabari no Ou - Kind of random, but I like it. It's different, but not really. None of this makes sense. The shota is cute, the other guy with weird powers that we just saw in this last episode is even better. Wow, he is like wow. And he's all evil, maybe and stuff. And is it just me or is Kumohira (the teacher) Rokujo's older brother? I'm confused. More Yoite please. (btw, i just found out that yoite loses life force when he uses kira, ummm fuuuuuck? he only has 2 more months to live? fuuuuckfuckfuckfuck! i love him =()
Neo Angelique Abyss - Ok, I've only been able to get through one episode so far, I don't like Angelique, and I think the plot is dumb... but there are way too many hot guys. I mean, fucking Rayne, enough said. (But wtf's up with that name???) Anyways, I'll slowly make my way through this one, maybe, if the guys stay as hot as him.
Persona -trinity soul- - Started in January, but it's still got a bit left. One of my favorite shows. It's getting ridiculously good lately, freaking Akihiko came!!!! I freaked when I saw that episode. There's not as much ShinxKanaru, but that's ok, I can deal. And in previews it looked like Shin was getting strangled by Eiko????? I thought she was found dead?? And she has a grave? Who knows, this show is probably the one show that blows my mind more than anything else. Definitely.
Shugo Chara - Not gonna lie, the only reason I watch this is because of Ikuto. He is HOT. He is AWESOME. And he's what makes the show basically. Tadase looks gay, maybe Amu is actually a lesbian, that would explain her attraction to that fruitcake. But, wow, Ikuto, get with him NOW please. Anyways, it takes too long for people to subtitle this show, but it's okay because they're far behind the manga, so no big. The manga needs to be translated too... =/
Soul Eater - MORE DEATH THE KID YESSSSSS. He is my favorite. Liz and Patty are awesome too. Though my favorite ship for a couple is easily SoulxMaka, Death the Kid is my favorite character. haha I love his OCD. This show is great, I'm excited for the actual story to start now. I started the manga, but I decided to not read it and watch the anime instead so I'll be excited/surprised. I only do this when the anime is amazing. Thank you BONES, yet another one of my favorites. =)
Special A - I tried reading the manga, but I kept getting put off by Hikari, she just was way too annoying and obviously not getting that Kei cares about her, soooo I was annoyed haha. I like the show, it's a bit faster I think. There's more of him too. He's really cute. (But I laugh every time I hear him talk. I keep expecting him to start proclaiming that this territory is the new United States of Japan lawlz)
Vampire Knight - Erm, it's nice to see Zero animated, and his relationship with Yuki also animated. That's about it. I actually fast forward through scenes that he's not in. I read the manga, I don't really need to know more.
xxxHOLiC Kei - This is so great, it's so much better than the first season. I think the nice thing about this is that it starts just as things are getting interesting in the manga. I didn't like the OP at first but it grew on me, just because it was less seductive I guess. Anyways, I just hope there's actual Tsubasa instances.
My favorite part about all of this is that 3 of these shows have the same seiyuu as the main character XD Fukuyama Jun, nice job. I still can't believe he voices Watanuki. I mean, holy shit, just listen to Lelouch and/or Kei, then listen to Watanuki, sooooo different. Good for him.
Oh yeah, and the sexiest seiyuu is easily Miyano Mamoru (sexy in voice, the most) and he's two of my favorites! Death the Kid and Zero. Awesome. So good.
Well, I'm done for now, that's what I'm watching, everything is awesome (except for D.Gray-man... but let's not go there). I'll update later.
Oh, wait actually, new Perfect Girl Evolution and Moe Kare!! today! They were amazing. I still can't believe how cute that one scene was with Kyouhei and Sunako. He kissed her! It was so unexpected, but her reaction was so expected haha. I want them to work, someday they will. And thank you Hiyoko (wtf is her real name anyways?) for finally realizing that Arata is the besttttt. Fuck Takara, Arata is the way to go =)
The end.

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