Watched the second episodes of Kannagi and Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka. I actually really really like both of these series. Kannagi was especially adorable, and there's deeper drama within woo! Unfortunately it's only 13 episodes? Tragic.
By the way, talking about tragic, I finished ゴーストハント and while it was totally awesome it was also horrible finding out what happens after or what all the details are. Namely about Noll and Gene, I mean, what the hell, you make Mai fall in love with his dead twin???? TRAGIC. I hate it. I love all the characters in that show, but finding out about that is just unbelievably sad. Completely. I want a second season where we find that out, but then over time her and Naru/Noll fall in love. Please? Thanks.
Anyways, back into the fall animes. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka was, well predictable but not. They're obviously making the sister competition between Yuuhi and Junichi which I'm not exactly sure if I like... no not at all. I want those two to end up together. In fact, let's just not have any other drama with the other girls and make sure they end up together in the end. As a usual game adaptation it's only 13 episodes, so they can't make Junichi too much of a pimp hopefully. But even if they do I really don't mind cause he's super cute and as long as he's not surrounded by all the ugly chicks, aka Karen with the crazy weird hair. ugh.
FINALLY found a sub of Hakushaku to Yosei, that show is so dumb that I love it. It's full of so much shojoey goodness. Though I am way annoyed by Lydia's hair ugh. Oh well, I'll watch it. It's great.
I don't like Skip Beat. No. It's cool that she's all powerful and crap but the oldish animation is hard for me to swallow, especially when it makes the canon-ish guy she's going to be with super ugly, hard for me to relate haha.
And I don't really like Yozakura Quartet... it's just a little too out there I think. And some of the characters really bother me. Well, I'll probably try episode 2 anyways just in case. It's hard to get an idea of something just from the first episode.
I'm downloading Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo as I'm typing this. So exciting! I've wanted to watch it forever, seriously, and now that I'm understanding this download/computer crap more I've finally able to work it out. Aka, veoh finally decided it's cool enough to let me download it's player on my mac... That would have been useful for the last 2 episodes of Code Geass.. :/
Erm, nothing else really exciting. I'm going for sushi in a bit. On Mondays and Tuesdays my favorite Japanese restaurant has sushi half off, it's wonderful. I can get a roll for $3 or less!
wow, another random entry...
Mouryou no Hako is getting subbed soon thank god! I really want to watch it, namely because it's CLAMP's character designs, which I think I already said, but can't say it enough. And talking about their character designs I was finally able to get screencaps of the beautiful artwork they did for the ending of Code Geass R2! My favorite one is Suzaku closely followed by Cornelia/Euphemia and C.C. looks pretty good too. There's just something about their style I cannot get over, it's so beautiful. And it helps that Suzaku looks pretty similar to Syaoran XD
Because I have no decent places to get manga by me other than Borders and B&N I was really surprised when Borders has increased their awesomeness tenfold. Apart from the fact that I've always been impressed because they carry Blood Alone, now they have like a shitload of yaoi/yuri titles. Not that I'm into that (at all, ugh no thank you) but I still think it's awesome that they carry them. They actually do have a very decent selection, and hopefully they'll have Nabari no Ou when that comes in soon... I wish I could get money off with the rewards card like you do for B&N because of the better selection but yeah, doesn't happen.
I've decided my next manga investment MUST be cardcaptor sakura, the first part. I have Master of the Clow, which is basically just the development of Sakura and Syaoran's relationship, hence why I needed those haha but I really would like the first ones because I haven't read them yet. It'll essentially be all new!
Oh.Kay. I forgot, I bought Beauty Pop 9 the other day, it. is. wonderful. Apart from the fact that we had the resolution of the accidental kiss between Naru-Naru and Kiri (XD) we also get to see THE BEST MOMENT EVER SO FAR WONDERFUL AMAZING CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! When Narumi holds Kiri when she's alone and afraid at night. ohmygod can you get any more awesome? We all know that she's going to end up with him so Ochi just go away please? Thanks.
Anyways, that's enough ranting and raving, mostly raving. It's time to watch Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo!!!

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