The latest chapter has left me FREAKING OUT.
1. I mean, come on Kagetora. We all know you're a ninja and you follow your word and this is just what has to happen in a shojo manga, but SERIOUSLY it's getting old. You love Beni, you came back to the future with her, you guys kissed, just COME ON. Unfortunately, that's what makes him Kagetora, he's respectful, trustworthy, honorable, and loyal. Soon he'll come to realize that he needs to worry about himself as well, and the feelings of those that love him.
2. OMGZZZ WTF WENG TRAVELLED THROUGH TIME TOO???!!! This is obviously a bad thing since the last time we saw him he was trying to kill Kagetora and steal Beni to put her "back" on the throne. Anyways, now he's just hanging out in the Gangaku household, not such a good thing. No wonder Rihito was aware that Kagetora is literally out of this world. So more and more obstacles to their love, yayyyy.
3. Thanks Kagetora (again) for letting Beni get fondled by creepy fiance boy behind the school. Close save, he was thiiiiiiiiiis close to kissing her. Yikes, we all know to whom Beni-sama's lips belong to *ahem*
But really, the worst part was Kagetora's facial expressions throughout the entire chapter.
Poor guy, how could you even stand there and take it??? Ninjas...
Anyways, hopefully the next chapter is coming out soon, I don't know how quickly this is getting published and whatnot, but I really need my fix of certain boys in black from the past. Rawrrrrrr
Um, Beni, share the love please
eta: By the way, one thing I absolutely LOVE about this manga is the artwork. It's very simple but it conveys such strong emotions. It's probably the main reason I've become so attached to the characters and even the story itself, because when I think about it I think of the characters, the positions they're in, the mood being conveyed. That's different to my other favorite shojo series, Fruits Basket, Shinshi Doumei Cross, Milk Crown, Vampire Knight, and Koukou Debut, where I think about the settings a lot.
I guess it's just because this series is mainly to show character change, but still, it's just something I notice and think about a lot every time I reread the chapters (which is at least once a week). I truly do love the art style.
And, sometimes, I wish spiders would go in my hair....sigh, oh Kagetora